
The City’s 18 solar arrays generated over six million kWh of electricity in FY23, which is equivalent to 30% of total municipal electricity use.

The six solar arrays constructed in FY21 and FY22 are part of the third phase of the City of Newton's solar development program. There are an additional 11 solar arrays that have been planned and approved as a part of Phase 3 are delayed but are still on the table for development.  These projects were impacted by cost increases that affected the construction industry in general and the solar industry in particular during the pandemic.  The City has continued to work on developing these remaining projects and is planning on constructing 7 of the 11 remaining projects in FY25.

When all planned projects are completed, they will generate the equivalent of 40% of total municipal electricity use.  These solar projects help reduce our carbon footprint and generate revenues and savings for the City. 

Electric Vehicle Chargers:

 Eversource has approved the Department’s funding request for $129,695 to install five Level 2 EV chargers (ten ports) at the DPW facilities at 60 Elliot St. We have also received a grant of $18,450 from the Mass DEP EV grant program toward the cost of these chargers. These chargers will used by DPW fleet vehicles.

We are also working on obtaining funding to install more chargers at City Hall and at South High School in FY25.

The Public Buildings Department has installed 15 EV chargers (30 ports) at City owned buildings to date and will be adding at least five more (10 ports) in FY25.

Green Buildings