12:39:27 From douglasknotts : What is the current housing percentage for low income housing as how it relates to Chapter 40B? It seems the very large developments are able to circumvent the laws because of our lower than 10% level. 12:39:35 From Robert Tuchmann to Katy Hax Holmes(Privately) : I think the goals which you have set out are all worthy and necessary to prepare Newton to respond to the needs of the next decades. We must, however, be mindful of the need to preserve unique factors we hare fortunate to have in Newton such as areas which still reflect the styles of the past decades. 12:45:54 From Katy Hax Holmes to Robert Tuchmann(Privately) : - [2] What do you hope that Zoning Redesign accomplishes? 12:46:14 From Katy Hax Holmes : - [2] What do you hope that Zoning Redesign accomplishes? 12:49:07 From Levin : I'm extremely concerned with the re-zoning plan allowing for such a high percentage of multifamily homes. I did not look to move to Brookline because I wanted single family neighborhoods with my own yard. On a separate but important point, I also was not able to afford to live in newton in the home I'm in during my early 30s. That's just life - there are more affordable cities as well (that I have lived in while saving quite hard and working multiple jobs since I was 19) and I'm not sure why we aim to drag newton down (both potentially economically and traffic wise) but taking away single family zoning. 12:53:04 From Katy Hax Holmes : - [3] What concerns you about Zoning Redesign? 12:56:07 From Seth Stier to Katy Hax Holmes(Privately) : we also need to take into account the increase housing and how that impacts traffic, schools and other city services. 12:57:34 From Seth Stier to Katy Hax Holmes(Privately) : Once the analysis is done and accepted. Local Historic Districts should not be allowed to be established. 13:03:00 From Diane Pruente : With the current rezoning design, it seems that going forward Newton will become quite a bit denser and have more of an urban feeling rather than suburban. 13:03:06 From Robert Tuchmann to Katy Hax Holmes(Privately) : Deb, I’d be happy to participate with a committee or group if you feel i could add to the discussion. 13:12:42 From Diane Pruente : The least expensive apartment at Trio (Wash St and Walnut St) is 596 sq ft and rents for $2,160 according to their website. The is small, but still expensive. How will we insure that there will be housing that is not so expensive? 13:19:29 From Lara Kritzer : https://visitor.r20.constantcontact.com/manage/optin?v=001JdpTMeML5NJJRN91OZKcvcBpV5zJjWHYa7PtTKTmHTU5eJUuNAik5jBdUs0q8S9Wd7kZIqqwBAaF5F_tsnUTZtsMuiQgMtzTB8Ic2B-xfGGpwbvHINekICnsKhSW5u2kodWJs1hdnVyRwKwEEIBoaN1ng0_7437c 13:20:56 From Lara Kritzer : The above link connects to sign up page for the Mayor's newsletter 13:21:16 From Jennifer Caira : www.newtonma.gov/zoningredesign