12:37:10 From Madeline Mirabito : How will these changes affect the property values of residents who have lived in Newton for a long time? 12:38:44 From Madeline Mirabito : Has the Planning Department considered the affect of the changes on current residents, instead of being so concerned about people who don't live in Newton? 12:38:46 From Zachery LeMel, Planning : - [4] How do you want to participate with Zoning Redesign in 2021? Here are some examples of how we can engage Newton community members: - large city-wide events with break-out groups - meetings by Ward or Village - meetings by individual topics - Office hours - short info sheets and videos by topic - Steward-based program (Newton community members sign up to be ‘Stewards,’ where they review material that staff creates for public education, such as flyers, educational pamphlets, or surveys and help engage Newton community members) - Surveys - facilitated debates - presentations by outside community groups who have experienced zoning re-write in their cities - Social Media (Instagram, Facebook) 12:39:11 From Madeline Mirabito : How will these changes affect the property values of residents who have lived in Newton for a long time? Has the Planning Department considered the affect of the changes on current residents, instead of being so concerned about people who don't live in Newton? 12:51:20 From Zachery LeMel, Planning : - [1] Which of the Zoning Redesign goals feel most important to you? And why? (Remember, we’re planning for the next 50 years and beyond!) For context, here are the 3 goals that the Zoning & Planning Committee straw-voted in: (a) Housing: A zoning code more responsive to a demand for housing that serves a range of incomes and promotes sustainable community development patterns (b) Sustainability: Environmental stewardship, fiscal strength and meeting community needs (c) Context: Preserve and protect what we like in our neighborhoods. Encourage new development to fit in the context of our neighborhoods and villages 12:51:35 From Rena Getz : One of my major concerns will how will the proposed new zoning code will truly address the straw vote goals voted in ZAP April 2020. 12:54:59 From Madeline Mirabito : 36 years 12:55:38 From Rena Getz : The Greenest building is one that is already built (Carl Elefante). We need to retrofit our existing housing stock with state-of-the-art Passive House components. 12:56:34 From Madeline Mirabito : Isn't Newton's Zoning Board supposed to be representing Newton residents, not people in the Boston area who don't live here. 12:58:19 From Rena Getz : Totally agreed with you Holly! 12:58:42 From Madeline Mirabito : Holly Gunner brings up good points. The older people who have lived here a long time and paying taxes will be hurt by the proposed changes. 13:01:46 From Madeline Mirabito : These comments seem a bit discriminatory to older people 13:02:11 From Madeline Mirabito : Older people can and do keep up their homes. 13:03:44 From Madeline Mirabito : Property values will go down 13:05:32 From Rena Getz : One demographic that needs be appreciated is that many seniors are moving into Newton. 13:06:48 From Zachery LeMel, Planning : - Prompt 2: - [2] What do you hope that Zoning Redesign accomplishes? - Prompt 3: - [3] What concerns you about Zoning Redesign? 13:11:38 From Holly Gunner to Zachery LeMel, Planning(Privately) : Newton's Sernior Dept. commissioned a survey of Newton residents done by researchers at Umass. Boston Gerontology Institute. It was done in 2014, had a high response rate, and asked people (age 50+ at the time) many questions, including about their housing preferences if they had to/wanted to move. It's on the city's website, under Senior Dept. Jane Colino, of course, can give it to you. 13:16:21 From Madeline Mirabito : Many people who have lived in single family zone housing moved to Newton 30 or 40 years ago because they wanted to live in that type of town. How can city now change what type of city people bought into many years ago and paid taxes on for many years? 13:17:15 From Ted Chapman to Zachery LeMel, Planning(Privately) : I would like you to check out this video and see if you think the simple technique of grounding might be helpful. https://www.earthingmovie.com/ I am struck by your report that being outside is helpful. Maybe this is part of the story, to ground all the chaotic energy in your system. There are products which would allow you to be grounded while inf doors or during sleep. https://smile.amazon.com/s?k=grounding+mat+earthing&crid=2F4SH23IDAMDH&sprefix=grounding%2Caps%2C167&ref=nb_sb_ss_ts-a-p_3_9 Let me know your thoughts. How much does zoning influence energy efficiency of new or remodeled unit? Ted 13:19:29 From Lara Kritzer : https://visitor.r20.constantcontact.com/manage/optin?v=001JdpTMeML5NJJRN91OZKcvcBpV5zJjWHYa7PtTKTmHTU5eJUuNAik5jBdUs0q8S9Wd7kZIqqwBAaF5F_tsnUTZtsMuiQgMtzTB8Ic2B-xfGGpwbvHINekICnsKhSW5u2kodWJs1hdnVyRwKwEEIBoaN1ng0_7437c 13:20:56 From Lara Kritzer : The above link connects to sign up page for the Mayor's newsletter 13:21:09 From Zachery LeMel, Planning to Holly Gunner(Privately) : Thank you for your comments and sending me the senior survey. I will be sure to review it and look to how the proposal aligns/does not align with the data in this survey. 13:21:17 From Jennifer Caira : www.newtonma.gov/zoningredesign