20:06:05 From Jay Werb to Barney Heath(Privately) : Test, ignore this message. 20:07:18 From Lisa Gordon to Barney Heath(Privately) : Sorry—Barney—I had a question in there—but didn’t really articulate it—so given all I said—I’d like to know how the already more economically diverse areas—my neighborhood will be protected. 20:09:57 From Kathleen Kouril Grieser : This zoning overhaul represents a regressive policy of concentrating land and and home ownership in the hands of fewer, wealthier hands - facilitating the transformation of Newton from a socially-economic diverse community of people building financial stability through home ownership to a community of renters beholden to the pricing policies of entities that build and own expensive rental units. Why would we want to make it harder for people to become the owners of the houses in which they live? 20:10:56 From Nancy Zollers : Barney asked us to put our questions in the chaat because he did not record after all. How will zoning code allow more affordable and deeply affordable housing in my neighborhood? 20:12:16 From Jay Werb to Barney Heath(Privately) : I'm having trouble getting the chat working correctly... My question was if there is an incremental approach to this. People (including me) are spooked to see so much changed at once. 20:13:51 From Nancy Zollers : Character of the neighborhood and fabric of the community has referred to the density issues, but I want to raise the 3 million dollar homes that are being created where perfectly fine smaller homes were on my street when I bought here to live for 30 years. 20:13:56 From Kathleen Kouril Grieser : It is disappointing indeed that the excellent comments and questions offered in this breakout discussion have not been recorded. 20:15:21 From Jill Geiger to Barney Heath(Privately) : Your email address Barney? 20:15:51 From Kathleen Kouril Grieser : Barney will you publish all the comments if participants take the trouble to email them to you? 20:17:04 From Lisa Gordon to Barney Heath(Privately) : Protected is the wrong word—but keep our quality of life. My neighbor is converting his two-family to a three family and raised all the trees and is also adding a 3 car garage. That is all good—near transport etc., but the loss of green in our back yard area is a big loss. How do we balance this? 20:19:22 From Sonia Parisca : bheath@newtonma.gov 20:19:47 From TLaFleche : Tonight's presentation referred to the importance of reducing the number of tear downs because they are in conflict with the character of our neighborhoods. Could the Planning Department please provide the actual number of tear downs, by year, over the past 15 years as a total number and as a percentage of all building permits issued, by year? 20:23:23 From Carolyn Gabbay to Barney Heath(Privately) : prior to the recording my questions included: what is the projected build out rate and timing for adding more dwellings to the city? what is the projected impact of the proposed code and build out on city tax revenues? what is the projected impact on the demand for and cost of city services? what is the projected impact on the blue of current residents’ home values, especially as it is their largest single if not only investment? 20:23:47 From TLaFleche : The presentation also referred to a goal of Newton Zoning Re-Form to respond to "housing demand". I assume that refers to both current and future demand. Has the PD done a market study to tie the statistics of market demand to the proposed language of the zoning reform? 20:24:34 From Kathleen Kouril Grieser : Can we find a way to allow a binding referendum without forcing residents to collect thousands of signatures in the winter cold? 20:26:24 From Kathleen Kouril Grieser : Let’s start on the home rule petition then. 20:28:03 From Kathleen Kouril Grieser : What’s the rush? Why does this zoning overhaul need to be passed in the lame duck one year from now? 20:39:54 From Bryan Barash to Barney Heath(Privately) : Great job, thank you!