Hi, I'm sorry for this very late email in regards to my concerns about increased traffic due to the proposed Riverside development. I am a Lower Falls resident and I commute to Newton North. Grove Street between Lower Falls and Commonwealth Ave has become increasingly congested in the last few years. A back-up all the way into Lower Falls from Riverside is not uncommon in the morning rush hour period. Traffic past Riverside heading towards Commonwealth Ave is always awful from 8:15 to 8:45 am. It's worst around Williams School but stays backed up all the way to Woodland Ave. Going towards Commonwealth Ave from Lower Falls in the evenings is awful. I've developed a circuitous route down Woodland and through side streets off Comm Ave to avoid the light at Auburn and Grove. From there it's backed up all the way over the bridge and to Comm Ave. The reverse direction is also bad in the evenings (I don't notice it in the mornings because I'm not driving that way). In short, the stretch between Comm Ave and Riverside has not had much attention in Riverside discussions, which are focused on 128-generated traffic, but this road is now at capacity too and should be carefully considered. Likewise, traffic on Grove St in Lower Falls has gotten much worse. Not everyone travels on 128, and many commuters have discovered Grove St as a convenient shortcut to route 16 west. It's hard to imagine how any business and residential development at Riverside could be built without straining the already strained traffic in these neighborhoods. I hope that any traffic studies done to address possible traffic impacts on these neighborhoods can include these areas as well, especially during the busiest times of day. Thanks, Lisa Rucinski