17:59:34 I think thinking that Commissioner Morris will be here with us this evening, and after the presentation will kind of bring everybody in. 17:59:53 When I hit the record button. Okay, sounds good. 17:59:51 You want to start. 17:59:53 And let me just hit continue here, I'm all set when you guys are. Okay. 18:00:01 Hi, good evening everyone, I'm going to give everyone just a couple of minutes to arrive to the meeting, and then we're going to get started talking about Brandeis field and the proposed lightning project. 18:00:58 Alright, we're just after six o'clock here so good evening everyone, and thanks for joining us for tonight's meeting my name is Nicole banks and the Commissioner of Parks, Recreation and culture, and I'm joined by Luis pres de Maria Tse and Greg maillot 18:01:14 this evening at our last meeting in November. For this, this project we discussed the need to light Brandeis road field, and for anyone who was not able to attend that meeting, you can watch that meeting, and tonight's meeting will also be posted at WWW 18:01:37 dot Newton Ma. gov slash field projects. So if you do need to catch up. 18:01:43 And just want to note that we do have the chat function available throughout the meeting this evening. And we'll also have an opportunity for open discussion, following the presentation. 18:02:01 Hi Tammy thanks for joining us. I'm just want to introduce the Newton South High School Principal Tammy Strauss thanks for being here. Hello everyone. 18:02:12 Good evening. Principal sorry that's my that's my gonna hit me real quick. 18:02:18 I know the feeling. 18:02:20 So just to give everyone some background, the purpose of tonight's meeting is to share the proposed light plan data, and you will see how the light system is quite different from what we have at the stadium, as it was designed to meet the specific needs 18:02:35 of this location in this field layout. 18:02:39 And I will I'm going to pass the reins over to Luis Presti Murray see who is our Director of parks and open space after the presentation that Luis is going to give. 18:02:50 I will open up the floor for questions, and we'll bring everybody. Hopefully this will work will bring everybody into the virtual room here so that you can speak and ask questions. 18:03:03 And of course if you prefer to put items in the chat, we can do that as well. 18:03:08 I do want to mention that in addition to if you have any questions here this evening. As you listen to the presentation and as we have our discussion. 18:03:18 That would be great but we are also planning on hosting a site visit with the neighbors and anybody that would like to join us. that will be held at the stadium field. 18:03:29 And if you want to save the date for December 20 at 5pm. 18:03:47 We'll meet at the stadium so that we can show the current late system that we have at the South High School, how that functions and works and some of the capabilities of the system. 18:03:44 And then we'll talk about, you know, any questions that anyone has regarding the Brandeis field late proposal as well. So, good, good information coming up, and we look forward to hearing from everyone with with that Luis I will pass it over to you. 18:04:05 Thank you, Commissioner. Apologies, making some minor adjustments to the presentation. 18:04:14 Welcome, everyone. My name is Luis Preston breezy as Commissioner bank stated, Director of parks and open space for Newton, parks, recreation and culture. 18:04:26 And we're here to discuss the Brandeis road field sports lighting improvements. 18:04:37 So, just, Just want to make a note that we do have. 18:04:43 We will be posting this presentation at our website. 18:04:47 If folks are interested in seeing this presentation and some of our other initiatives. 18:04:54 Feel free to go to Newton ma.gov slash field projects. 18:05:00 And if you have any questions related to the field projects. We have an email specific to that initiative. 18:05:07 And that is athletic fields at noon me. 18:05:13 So on the agenda. 18:05:16 You know, we'll go over a brief statement on the athletic fields, master plan will provide an update on the Brandeis road field lighting initiative, and then we'll share the lighting data. 18:05:30 So to begin, I'd like to just give a brief overview of Newton parts recreation and culture. So we managed to oversee nearly 600 acres of parkland that vary with varying recreational interests you know we range from aquatic facilities tracks and field 18:05:51 trails playgrounds passive areas wooded areas. 18:05:56 Outdoor challenge courses dog park splash pads, you know, Parks insights with historic significance, and these are all spread across all villages wards and school zones. 18:06:10 So we really just have a spoon in every corner of the city. 18:06:17 So here's a brief overview of our multi year capital improvement projects plan. 18:06:22 So, we are looking at an improvement at Albemarle park for tape Park Berta school, Brando killed fields McGrath Park bracelet and we are also looking at this particular project, Lady Brandeis road field and South High School. 18:06:45 We're also looking at lighting the North, Tiger Stadium, as well as the synthetic turf replacement at both high schools which equal to three synthetic turf fields. 18:07:01 So, getting right onto the, the topic at hand. 18:07:08 I want to first, you know, discuss with you all sort of how we're addressing or finding solutions for lighting, so that we can expand the evening play and provide maximum quality lighting on playing surfaces. 18:07:25 So the goals. The goals of our lighting initiatives are to provide the best light quality, while minimizing a butter impacts we really want to be good neighbors. 18:07:38 So this whole, you know, the things that we take into account in that regard, are light and quality so that includes uniformity for playing player safety intensity so that, you know, again, there's the player safety element, and of course little spillage, 18:07:57 which we want to be conscious of dark skies and make sure that we are only lighting would really needs to be lit. 18:08:06 Some of the variables that we would like to be in control of, you know, when looking at these systems are the pole heights shielding and down casting bold candle power and demand capabilities. 18:08:23 Of course remote access so that we can control the lighting, you know from afar. 18:08:29 And then of course, the ability to meet and exceed the city's lights village ordinance. And here's a diagram of the system that that we are you know proposing to install here same system that has been installed at the stadium. 18:08:48 And it's it's really a very sort of streamline system that we are looking at here. 18:08:58 Again, you know, going back to the the spillage and really lighting what we need to light. As part of this initiative on the left hand side you can see, you know, an image of a lighted stadium. 18:09:14 And on the. 18:09:28 This image shows two options for lights at at a field. The the left hand side is the vendor that we're using sort of as a standard for lighting, and on the right hand side is the typical LED lighting, both have the same light quality when it comes to 18:09:39 playing surface, but as you see here looking straight at the lighting, you know, there's there's significant spilled that goes beyond the playing surface. 18:09:50 And then of course the big bonus is energy efficiency. 18:09:57 So, some site specific lighting considerations. I do want to note that all lighting projects Barry by goals and objectives of that particular project. 18:10:11 So, again, going back to maximum customization, we are looking to address specific goals and objectives for each site that we're looking to lay a Jason see is highly important in equipment selection again going back to being good neighbors. 18:10:32 Minimum spillage again going back to being good neighbors light level customization, meaning we can dim at various levels, depending on the type of play that's happening at the fields. 18:10:46 You know, and, and the idea of, you know, being able to quickly and easily make minor adjustments. After the lights have been installed. 18:10:57 And then of course you know, having that lighting analysis. Once the, the lights have been installed so that we can ensure that that uniformity in the spillage is, is as intended, or as designed. 18:11:13 So, I'll go through the sports lighting data specific to the Brandeis road field. 18:11:21 And some of the things to know here. I want to make some comparisons to the Winkler stadium field lights in some of these items. So for the Brandeis road field, we're looking at 60 and 70 feet tall, pulls the stadium is at feed. 18:11:42 The stadium is 80 feet. You know the. We're also, you know, looking at light fixtures that are factory and and shield to eliminate just the playing surface as best we can, you know the the installation is laser aimed to center field so it's it's very 18:11:59 technical in terms of how these things are installed so that, again, we're lighting, the playing surface and not other areas that we don't need to like, 18:12:12 you know, the these polls at the Brandeis road field or close to the intended lighted field, which reduces horizontal spillage compared to the stadium polls, which are setback. 18:12:27 Due to the track and grandstand illumination goals of that project. 18:12:32 We are also incorporating six polls, as opposed to four as you, you see at the stadium, and what the six polls do is that they reduce the lateral spillage, so that we can reduce spillage behind the polls, which in this case will significantly reduce impacts 18:12:54 to a butters, yeah remote access for maximum flexibility and scheduling dimming and the on off function. 18:13:05 The proposed lighting system meets and exceeds city lights spillage, I apologize. Incorrect grammar there. 18:13:14 The proposed lighting system meets and exceeds city lights village ordinance at the butter property line. 18:13:24 You know, these lights are the lowest cause short term alternative for meeting school and city needs and goals for athletic facilities, you know, while avoiding the temporary lights, you know and and to follow on that one know the proposed system does 18:13:42 not generate exhaust, or exist, excessive spillage, as well as the proposed system is designed to me, dark sky certification by the International dark sky Association. 18:13:57 So a quick note on the equipment layout. So, as I mentioned earlier, we are looking at six polls instead of four, and and a few things to note here is the the polls that you see on this image s one through s3, are taller than. 18:14:18 is intentionally designed in that way so that the poles on the school side can be downcast it so that horizontal spillage is is limited to the playing surface on the butter side, the polls are slightly lower, so that they can be. 18:14:44 They can be more horizontally aimed so that they cover the playing surface, but are also not downcast to the extent that spillage goes too far beyond the back of the polls. 18:15:00 So here's a again a diagram sort of illustrating our goals here, in terms of the design on the school side polls and looking again at the at the polls on the school side. 18:15:17 This is a quick diagram showing how the polls are closer to the playing surface as compared to Winkler Stadium, and we are able to angle those lights. 18:15:29 So, that we are, you know, minimizing or reducing spillage toward the butters on the butter side, you know, a quick diagram showing our goals of this lighting system. 18:15:47 And it's really just to reduce and limit spillage behind the poles. 18:15:54 And here's a diagram sort of illustrating how that system is arranged so that we're not getting spillage. 18:16:03 You know high intensity spillage behind the poles, but we can really just aim them more horizontally toward the school, so that we can focus on the plane surface and again, not or minimize impacts to a buyers. 18:16:21 In terms of playing surface and illumination levels and uniformity. 18:16:31 Here's, you know, an image showing how the lights are really focusing on the playing surface. 18:16:37 You know, because this is a multi purpose field. We are the goals are to aim the lights to light both the football field, but also the soccer field and lacrosse, and going further out. 18:16:57 One thing to note here is that the little red numbers you see here are complete darkness. 18:17:05 And then as you move closer to the field. 18:17:08 The lighting intensifies. 18:17:11 Looking at this image here the point ones and point tues are very close to complete darkness, and those are certainly under, or me the city's lighting ordinance, in regards to a better property line spillage. 18:17:34 So we are again going back to, you know, being really being good neighbors. 18:17:40 Some of the mitigation strategies that that we'd like to consider is, you know, some strategic planting of evergreen trees to reduce spillage at key areas near butters we understand that some of the vegetation and tree canopy between the butters and the 18:17:58 field, have some gaps, so we we would like to, you know, think about that as an alternative to minimize the glare that's, that's really reflecting from the plane surface. 18:18:12 The city's also looking to an acronym for is light level and use policy, and we are definitely open to putting a reasonable and time on light usage. 18:18:25 So here in plan is sort of what I'm what I was referring to mitigation here. This is the area, the oval in green is where we've identified gaps in the vegetation and we would strategically plan. 18:18:44 You know along that area, in order to minimize those impacts of the lighted field. 18:18:53 And, you know, a closer look at comparing Brandeis road field versus Winkler stadium. 18:19:01 On the left hand side, you see, you will see a diagram showing the design goals of the Brandeis world field versus the design goals of the stadium rights. 18:19:16 So on the, on the left hand side, you know we have lower polls, which really help us focus. 18:19:24 You know the lighting on the playing surface, but most importantly, the you know the the closeness of the polls to the playing area. 18:19:36 Just really allows us for. Again, aiming those lights at the playing surface and not have to light. 18:19:55 Other other areas beyond that, compared to Winkler Stadium, which have four poles. The goals of that project were to light the turf field, but also like the track, as well as the grandstand. 18:20:05 So, you know, part of those goals were met by higher light poles. And of course, You know more horizontal angling so that we can like the track and green state. 18:20:20 And with that, you know, I'll leave it open to the floor for questions comments concerns. And at this point, we will begin promoting folks as panelists so that we can have a conversation. 18:20:40 Thank you, Louise for your presentation and you just you stole my line because I was going to cue the bringing in of everyone for our conversation. 18:20:51 Great presentation, you know luis and I will do our best to answer questions, if you haven't looked at light data before you know it can be challenging to kind of figure out what all of these grids and everything means so happy to, you know, take any 18:21:07 questions on that. And as I mentioned earlier, we are going to set up a site visit and we will be inviting our light representative who's an expert on this to attend that, so that will be another really good opportunity for us all to ask questions and 18:21:26 have that expertise available to us, so we should be having everyone come into the meeting I believe everybody is going to enter on mute. 18:21:36 It's great if you can leave yourself on mute for the background noise. But if you do at any time, want to speak you can raise your virtual hand, there should be an icon at the bottom of your screen to raise your virtual hand, or just do some crazy waving 18:21:53 around and we'll try to call in everyone that we that we see who would like to speak. 18:21:59 I do want to just say that one of the items that Luis noted in the presentation, and I want to highlight is that we do have a light, use agreement in place for the South stadium field, and the school worked very closely with the neighbors of that field, 18:22:17 to put that in place, where we're very much open to having those discussions and talking about what a use agreement for this field would look like as well so if there's any questions about, you know, how, how that agreement is set up or things that you 18:22:34 would like to have considered in an agreement. We're certainly open in the school department is very open to having that conversation with that I will turn it over and if anybody would like to kick us off just go ahead and raise your hand and we'll open 18:22:50 up the floor. 18:23:06 So it looks like Barry has her hand up. I can kick us off. 18:23:12 Hi, Greenstein I am a biter to the field, I live I think where you would put s6, Paul. 18:23:24 That's my backyard. 18:23:26 Do you want to understand some questions. First of all, is everyone that I'm seeing now everyone on the call or there's some other people on the zoom that are not on this, but they're just two people in the attendee waiting room to be promoted to panelists. 18:23:42 But there are just two people in the attendee waiting room to be promoted to panelists. Okay, so just. 18:23:44 Yep. Got it. 18:23:47 Okay. So my first question is the light poles that you're suggesting I saw there were two levels on them. 18:23:58 Is that is that exactly what it's going to look like I know there's more levels on the ones at the football field. 18:24:07 Very Can you clarify what you mean by levels there, there's like a one layer and then another layer. 18:24:16 Oh, let me, I'll pull up the presentation so we can look at that, I just want to know is what you showed exactly what you're right there. 18:24:27 No, this one. Yeah, is that exactly what it's going to look like or is that just guess that is exactly what it's going to look like. This is a more of a typical diagram. 18:24:39 So it's, it's really, you know, this area here just shows you know because it pulls can vary, but, but yeah this is this is essentially what the polls look like they're there. 18:24:51 They look very. 18:24:53 They look the same as the stadium ones. 18:24:56 They're just, you know, aimed, and the height, just varies. Okay, so they do sections so they would be, you know, installed very similar to what the stadium field lights, look like on a, on a base with usually two sections, but that would depend on the 18:25:16 height. I believe it would be two sections for the light pole. 18:25:21 Okay, and are is the circumference of those poles, roughly the same as the other stadium. 18:25:26 Yes, so they'd be 30 inches at the bottom and then sort of taper down as you get closer to the top. 18:25:35 I'm just going to run through my questions 18:25:39 was, why was no hand, no Hampton field not mentioned, it feels like a good solution, as an option. Is that not a field you're considering lighting. 18:25:52 And at this point, hand is not a part of our, you know, five year capital plan and very. 18:26:02 The goals for us to meet. 18:26:06 You know, expanding evening play are really focusing on projects that we have going on but also the synthetic turf surface matters a lot when it comes to you know the the added use of expanding evening plates so synthetic turf is a it's a much better 18:26:31 candidate for expanding evening played and Satan ahead and where it's natural turf. 18:26:39 What was used you suggested that you were going to have a reasonable end time, what, what do you consider reasonable and time to lights. 18:26:51 I will let Commissioner banks elaborate on that she would be the, the policy person here. 18:27:00 Hi Barry thanks so, um, I would be open to having a conversation with the neighbors about that. That is one of the things that is included in our agreement on the stadium field. 18:27:12 And so that's something that we would be open to have discussions on. 18:27:18 Typically, 930 10 o'clock would be about when athletics would go to an hour late ordinance mentions 930 as a change over time. 18:27:30 You know, these lights would not be outside of the light ordinance after that 930 time. 18:27:34 But again, I think it would be best if we could you know have that discussion with the neighbors. Certainly if there's a suggestion that people have here this evening, or people could write into our email address or come to our site visit, so that we 18:27:49 can have that conversation but that that's one of the items that we'd like to discuss and what what do we do about a situation like about a week ago, the tennis courts lights, the tennis court lights were left on for the entire night, I think they were 18:28:05 shut off maybe at 7am. No, I'm not a directive butter to the tennis court so it didn't impact me but if that happened in my backyard. I would have called the police. 18:28:14 So, what what are the solutions that you have that that will never happen. 18:28:22 So, the solution. You're right in saying to call the police if you call the police department, they will have an on call person for the parks and recreation department, and we will fix that if there is an error with the system such as that. 18:28:40 Louis says hi highlighted that the system will have remote control and that means that we would be able to turn the system off at any time remotely even if staff is not on site, and that light system with the tennis courts did have a malfunction. 18:28:57 At the end of it season, when we changed the scheduling to turn it off for the season. 18:29:04 It had a malfunction error in the system and it did turn on I think it was early in the morning that it turned on maybe 530 or 6am. And typically what we do to prevent that is we turned off the breaker, so that there's not actually power to that when 18:29:21 the season ends, but that that malfunction happened on the day when the transition in the schedule happened. 18:29:31 I'm sorry, Barry I would also like to add that the remote access system for the courts, is very different than than this system. We have had great success with this particular system, in turn, okay, remote access, we don't mean to dwell on this a couple 18:29:58 So you said that this complies with the city's light ordinance regulation. 18:30:06 So, in terms of the actually could you just elaborate on that how specifically just to comply with it because perhaps it doesn't have spillage, but I could still walk out into my backyard and it would be like I had a TV on my backyard so my backyard might 18:30:26 be kind of dark I'm not understanding how you're suggesting that my backyard is going to be dark, yet the entire field is going to be lit. That just doesn't make sense to me. 18:30:37 Right, so very quick clarification on that, there wouldn't be direct light from the fixtures onto your yard. We do recognize and acknowledge that you know from your yard, looking at lip field, you know, your analogy of a TV being turned on, you will get 18:30:59 a little bit of that glare. and that's why we're, we're looking at potential mitigation strategies to be able to reduce that. 18:31:10 So you wouldn't get direct light onto your yard so you're not looking at the fixtures and seeing a bright light in your eyes, you're really going to get sort of the reflection from the field, bouncing back up into your heart. 18:31:26 And that's that complies with the City of Light ordinance. 18:31:29 Yeah, the light ordinance really is about the light fixtures directly impacting the property it's beyond a certain light level. 18:31:44 And these, these lights, because of the way they're aimed at the property line, you know, fall, well below the city's light coordinates. 18:31:55 I'm just gonna kind of go to that image here. 18:32:02 So the light ordinance really sort of starts kicking in. In terms of light levels, right around here. 18:32:11 So it's the point threes, that you see on the on the image here, but beyond that fall within the lightning ordinance. 18:32:25 All right, I have a lot more questions but I'm not going to take up the rest of the time I just want to make a last point in saying that I am extremely disappointed along with all of my neighbors in how this process has move forward, you've been less 18:32:40 than transparent, the entire time you've answered, maybe a fraction of the questions we've asked, there could have been a better way to do this, I'm not, I'm not opposed to this city and the students and people who need fields, getting what they need. 18:32:58 I think it's important I am from knewton I grew up here. I am familiar with the city, I love this city, and I want everyone to have what they want and what they need in order to run these programs but treating us like we're an afterthought when this is 18:33:13 a major impact on our home values and our daily lives, makes us feel like we're insignificant, and there are a million other things you could have done to make us, not feel that way, and every opportunity you had you chose the opportunity to make us feel 18:33:32 like garbage, you, you did this without telling us, you secretly rolled it out on an email without mentioning it to us, you put temporary lights without mentioning anything to us and just turn them on one day. 18:33:47 We live here. This is my house. Okay, this is where I spend my life where my five year old is growing up, and it's not an opportunity for you to just treat us like we're garbage, I'd be more than happy to find out where you guys live and come over there 18:34:01 with a loud speaker or, or a flashlight and just constantly annoy you with it, and then tell you later. The plan for it. It makes no sense the approach that you've taken. 18:34:12 So I just wanted to say that and I don't appreciate it and if you guys have any suggestions and how to run it as point, I'm willing to listen, but but but I'm doubtful that you care. 18:34:27 Barry I'm sorry to hear that you feel that way and I just want to say, you know, we are going to be hosting a meeting at the site and I hope that you'll come and have a conversation with us we're certainly open to that and and do want to see that happen. 18:34:44 I also just want to add on a little bit more to various question about the the time for the lights to go off. So just to reference the agreement that we have on the stadium field, the lights off time for youth sports is 9pm, and games are permissible 18:35:02 until 930. We do also allow the lights to have a little bit of time for egress people to get safely out. 18:35:11 And there is a dim level that can be used during that like clean up and you know safety time for leaving. 18:35:21 All right. Um, I think we have another hand up I see counselor keyless Hello, welcome. 18:35:29 Hi there. Thank you. Um, okay so a couple questions. 18:35:34 Can you talk about your consideration of Oak Hill, 18:35:41 meaning in terms of a project. The Absolutely. Yeah, nice, nice and you don't have a butters right there. And we've been asking about this, every meeting. 18:35:52 Sure. So, brown Oh kill those fields. We actually we, we just interviewed a set of potential consultants to help us go through these field projects. 18:36:05 So that, that field itself is a few years away from from being renovated or addressed. 18:36:15 We, we are considering all comments that have come in for that project. And we will continue to do some community meetings, but this, this particular project compared to brown no kill counselor addresses the immediate need from the school to use their, 18:36:37 their fields. 18:36:40 So we're, you know, a short answer is that we are a few years away from Brown kill being touched by a contractor to improve you know I think, Okay, I understand I think that would have been again. 18:36:55 Miss banks I think that would have been nice to hear as in the strategic plan that they're making a trade off of the brown Oh kill fields for this Brandeis field and to give us the timing. 18:37:10 So we could really discuss what is what is the implication How long is brown Oh kill you say a couple of years will have it's two to three years, isn't there a, an alternative that we can do for two three years where at least discuss that I mean, I think 18:37:26 you would Barry is saying and the way he expressed himself, I thought he did it, so it was very well said. 18:37:33 The process has been terrible and the, the, not even to have a discussion with the neighbors or to role in the Oak Hill potential project here is it's, um, I don't know what it is it's just it just seems it's baffles me that we wouldn't be at least somewhat 18:38:00 respectful to be considering another location with the the impact this is going to have. 18:38:09 I think that the your presentation tonight on the lights was great. I think you know it really clarified for me, a lot of the spillage because that was a lot of the, what I was concerned about and I didn't understand how it was going to work I now do 18:38:24 understand. 18:38:24 But the whole TV approach, you know situation, you know, looking out your backyard and seeing all this light. It's a real negative, and so I guess the question that I do have is there are those evergreen trees that you're planting and are they mature. 18:38:39 This is a counselor something that we're, we're open to discuss should be open to it I think you should do it. I mean they need to be mature and they need to be evergreen, I mean there's just there's no, there's no discussion that needs to happen there 18:38:53 it's, that is, is clear 18:38:57 and and the the idea that you're going to have the lights on and games until 930. No, that is just a non starter in this location. 18:39:09 You need to think the barriers a five year old child, others on that street have young kids. 18:39:17 That is not acceptable. So that has to factor into what you're doing here. So when you talk about trade offs of Oak Hill being a few years out, well, just think about the timing that you're going to lose because you just cannot do that to these people. 18:39:37 That's all I have. 18:39:39 Thank you. Councillor will certainly talk to mark Welsh on the evergreen trees and their maturity, for sure, and I appreciate that I also you know I don't appreciate, Miss banks, the the fact that you said we'll discuss the times, not the mean, how can 18:39:56 you even say that you have little kids there and you're talking about having games played with noise and lights. You can't do that to these people. 18:40:08 You need to cut off that is reasonable. 18:40:11 Thank you I do hear you and the times I gave were for the other field and so we will absolutely want to discuss that I just would like to hear from the neighbors that are very close by, and, you know, not a lot of the neighbors means is part of this is 18:40:27 part of it, a lot of the neighbors couldn't be here because you didn't give them enough time. 18:40:31 And they had other things planned. 18:40:34 Well, just like just like you set up the 20th for the site visit Well, I can't make that I don't think counselor. 18:40:43 Ryan can make that. I mean, you need to talk to people ahead of time during this please planning processes. 18:40:49 Alright, well we'll absolutely work on getting a date set that, that we can agree on, and we will continue to be open and available for the input to come in. 18:41:04 All right, I see Councillor Ryan Hello, thanks for being here. 18:41:08 Thank you. I'm Commissioner. 18:41:11 I just want to reiterate that I met with the neighbors on the site was in their backyards I probably spent an hour and a half to two hours, I was in their houses, seeing how the spillage and now with the portable lights that we all know a terrible, how 18:41:32 it affected their homes. 18:41:36 And I understand if we can control the lights so they, you know, the these new lights Don't spill into the odds, but what Barry is saying is, you know, he doesn't want to walk out this yeah then just have the field and they event glaring in this space 18:41:57 to agree with counselor Kayla said that screening has to be really good to block that view for, for those neighbors, and. 18:42:13 And the other thing I would like to agree with counsel okay listen is that, yeah I can't be there on the, on the 20th and I had sent you a reply, saying I could be there on the 21st because just throughout the two dates. 18:42:33 None of the city councils can be there on the 20th because it's something in the whole house was going to be added exactly the same time. 18:42:43 So, I do have a problem with the communication and it's not just Parks and Rec was from the mayor's office also. 18:42:58 I was told about this on a Friday that it was going to be announced on a Monday. 18:43:06 And as it turns out, it looks like. This is a while ago costs, but when it was announced in the opera funding. 18:43:14 When the mayor met in front of the city council and it turns out it seems the neighbors found out at the same time. 18:43:25 It just could have been a little bar. 18:43:28 You know we could have all done this and I believe together and I believe that the stadium lights were done a little better as far as everybody, neighbors, counselors, the school the athletic director we're all involved from the beginning, so hopefully 18:43:51 going forward we can do this, I really did want to be there at the site is that, but maybe we can set up another one. Thank you, though, counselor Ryan, let me just say right now. 18:44:05 Counselor Ryan, let me just say right now. The 20th date, I did announce that at the beginning of the meeting, and I'm certainly open to changing that date. 18:44:17 I had collected some emails back and i think i i think the 21st was probably the date that that our counselors could attend and so if that date works. 18:44:24 We can set that up, or we can pick another date so we'll do a little bit more outreach on finalizing the date for the site visit and get back in touch with with everyone on that and we'll post that to our website. 18:44:38 All right. It doesn't work that's not a problem. Yeah, I mean the neighbors have to take the press and then but I mean I would really like to be there with the neighbors I know a list would to, 18:44:52 to just to be there and as I said I've already met the neighbors are meet them again. 18:44:58 But, going forward, like I said, let's just do this together and see how we can how the outcome will be. Thank you. 18:45:09 Thank you. 18:45:19 We do have. 18:45:22 I'm sorry, I don't want to miss pronounce with the unit. 18:45:26 Yes. Hi, everyone. I run over the neighbors. So just want to also add my voice to that the what was said before, most eloquent played by Barry, and the two other counselors. 18:45:39 We do feel like the city decided to roll over us. And this is, there was no discussion, you know no process that we could see and understand why our neighborhood was, you know, chosen for this task and either better alternatives. 18:45:57 We don't know any of that because for some reason city fail to inform us of that so I just want to add to what was said again so you feel it's not just bear it's really cool neighborhood is there enough everybody unfortunately couldn't make it to today's 18:46:12 Unfortunately, could make it to today's call and we hope that next meeting, which you planning to set up with neighbors would take and take out the availability 20th of December, many people may be traveling so I think it's important since previously. 18:46:28 You've neglected our voices to, to have next meeting where our voices could the core then we could have a full sort of discussion and mature discussion that city should have with citizens refill. 18:46:43 Sometimes you don't cabriolet too much. 18:46:47 Thank you, Lynn and we will make sure that you know we have your email address from this evening so we'll make sure you're included when we try to pick a date. 18:47:03 JOHN Fishman just unmute. 18:47:11 Hi, can you hear me okay. 18:47:13 Am I on. Thank you. I'm Doug Fishman I had been on parks and recreation in the past. I have three points to make one point. Lewis, this, this project seems like a departure from how Parks and Recreation work. 18:47:30 Usually Parks and Recreation didn't go into established neighborhoods where the butters were as close as this, the highlands fields for example, parks and recreation Canvas the neighbors twice before it actually put out the lights and that this represents 18:47:45 the departure because the neighbors are really right on top of the field. And I think that represents a real problem for this project. Second is the project spearhead is the school and the changing hours, but we're going to open up these fields all summer 18:48:02 to other groups, is that correct, Luis. 18:48:16 So the fields, Don thank you for your for your comments. The fields are open during the summer. 18:48:27 But the night, the sun goes down much later so we we will not be looking, but will be will be will be will be playing games with the noise and the trash and so we'll have trashing noise problems is that correct that. 18:48:34 I, it's, it's the school's field so I don't know it's not that we're going to rent out the fields other adult groups to play right it's not just the school in the summer right. 18:48:48 I believe this field gets permitted by multiple, not just not just what we're looking at as more five nights a week during the summer now 18:49:02 your field does get permitted to our youth sports programs in the summer and that would be no change from what would currently happen. And we would not be looking to keep the lights on in the summer for for later you, but not just the lights, is the noise 18:49:16 in the trash and that we need. I guess my third point is we need a time place and manner agreement on how the fields will be used otherwise you're stepping into an established neighborhood, if you look at where the houses are they're really right on top 18:49:32 of the fields, and we're now going to be occupying these fields for five nights a week during the summer, and that represents a departure from, how we have done things in the past, and you bring up some good points that I think I know that the school 18:49:48 department is open to having those conversations with, not just the school because you're permitting the fields to other people and so if it were just the school, that would be one thing it's the fact that we open up the fields everybody. 18:50:02 Those are the only comments. Thank you. 18:50:14 Okay. Any other comments questions, concerns, thoughts. 18:50:26 Looks like we have Reza with his hand up, Robin, would you mind, promoting resident looks like he's in the waiting room. 18:50:36 I can promote him to talk I think we have a limit on panelists number. Oh, there you go. 18:50:44 Is it getting. Okay, great. Yes. I read that 18:50:48 you are muted so feel free to unmute yourself. Hello there. 18:50:52 Can you hear me. Yes we can. All right, my camera I gotta fix it. 18:50:58 There we go. 18:50:59 So, but my first question is, Louis, is have you guys considered this field is for the high school purpose is, as far as I know is primarily used for practice. 18:51:14 There's, there's not really any games going on at this field because there's not much for like stands or, you know, so it's primarily for practice. Now, there is. 18:51:27 You know I walk around the neighborhood a lot, and I noticed that the tennis courts, like, you know, in the fall when he gets colder and stuff are hardly used, and the tennis courts are already lighted. 18:51:42 Is there any way that you could possibly consider using like there is two sets of four courts at the tennis courts, next to each other, basically two different fields for tennis adjacent to each other. 18:51:59 Is there any way of making one of those fields like multi use so that you could like take the polls out for the tennis nets and cover the holes that you know are created on the, on the ground over there, and use that half of the tennis courts, perhaps 18:52:16 for practice, you know for, you know, it's it's pretty much, you know, close to the same surface as the artificial turf on that field, and it's already liked it. 18:52:40 you know, that's all I wanted to say thank you for that comment Reza. 18:52:51 You know, requirements for, you know fields, athletics versus courts. 18:52:59 You know, so, so the courts are really, you know, really just put a safety issue. If that were to be used for high school, athletics. 18:53:10 It also impacts the way in which you know the ball rolls on the surface. 18:53:16 So it can put the student athletes at a disadvantage by playing in a surface like that. 18:53:23 But that is that is a good suggestion and consideration. 18:53:28 But we are, you know, sort of, that's what we have to consider is really player safety and and giving children the best chance they can win the practice on the surface. 18:53:39 I'm sorry I don't, I didn't understand. You're right. So why because because, as far as I know, people already play on those tennis fields, high school students already play there. 18:53:52 Right. Yes, but they play tennis, not, not, you know, field sports. And just to clarify field sports have different requirements than core hardcore sports. 18:54:08 So that's where you know I was getting at, you know, soccer players for example playing on the tennis court for practices would put them at a disadvantage when they go on competitive games and play on and field, so that that that's what I was getting 18:54:24 at the surfaces are very different for the two types of sports. 18:54:43 So okay let's see interest. Yeah. Um, so I just wanted so kind of following up on what residents asked, Are there plans for for seating, or for the loudspeaker. 18:54:57 No, there are no plans for benches or, You know stadium seating and there is no sound system currently in there is no proposal for a sound system. 18:55:08 Okay. 18:55:09 There are some bleachers there counselor. We're not looking to expand on that. 18:55:16 Okay, anyway. 18:55:21 Thank you. 18:55:23 Back le body has this Android. 18:55:36 Yeah. Good evening. So I was wondering following up on the question, or the topic around the use of the fields for non school activities. Can we at least commit to limit the lights for the time when there's a school activities sports and not for other 18:55:43 outside of school. 18:55:46 So we do have the school athletics need for this field, as well as the city wide need for our youth sport organizations or new sports will also need access to fields, and so that is also use that we are including in the planning for this and it would 18:56:06 be something that would need to be scheduled here. 18:56:09 So that would be the inner city youth programs. 18:56:12 So, limited to youth only. 18:56:17 No adult leaks. 18:56:17 So that's those are the things that we want to work through in the agreement and that's something that we can we can discuss and take a look at our schedules but yes that that's the critical needs that we have are the youth athletics and the school athletics. 18:56:35 Thank you, 18:56:38 counsel right. 18:56:40 Yes, I just wanted to fill in some blanks on the, on the field use, which I am familiar with. And I think it was just said to the others a small very small grants and over them maybe five or six small rose, and then of course you have the seeding on the 18:56:58 other side of the field for the visitors during school sports, the JV football team plays there on Saturday afternoons their regular games and other than that, during the week it's usually, and the school athletic and tell me if I'm right or not. 18:57:21 It's usually practice by soccer football lacrosse, and. 18:57:28 And then it's, you know, rented out to Newton. 18:57:56 They pretty much set the rules on on how the field, how tennis courts are, how you know what what the specifications are. 18:58:10 So it's not actually the high school, public school system that does. 18:58:23 And there's no right or wrong. No, but this is what I know from being involved with sports school sports, I mean, myself and being involved with my children. 18:58:30 And now with some of the neighbors kids. Thanks. 18:58:35 Thanks Councillor Ryan and I just want to add to that that we are not currently scheduling adult programming under the lights at the stadium field and so that is something that can be considered in the agreement for this field as well. 18:59:02 Josh has been promoted to a panelist 18:59:06 is hand raised. 18:59:16 Hello. 18:59:18 Hey, we can hear you. 18:59:20 Hi. 18:59:21 I was just able to join I only had less than a week's notice on this, which I don't think was optimal there's a lot of other neighbors who weren't able to join us. 18:59:30 Well, it's unfortunate we're having this meeting without them. 18:59:33 When it affects them pretty dramatically but I just want to reiterate, like, it's really disappointing Nicole, how, and Louise, and Tammy so you know, since you're new to the neighborhood. 18:59:46 This is going to have a dramatically calamitous effect on our on our area. There's a, there's already a lot of light Claire, it goes four or 500 feet from the stadium over the tree tops of the houses down the street. 18:59:58 They promised it wouldn't spill on to a butters and there's there's that much set back there that it doesn't affect it here, you're on top of where we're next to the field, like you know we can climb over the fence you know we can throw a stone, you know, 19:00:12 a two year old could throw a stone onto the field from our houses, and there's no way that this isn't going to have a really disastrous effect on us. And it's. 19:00:21 I can't even begin to express the amount of of disappointment and shame, almost that I feel as a Newton resident I've had so much respect living here for eight years for our government for our city councilors for everybody for the Parks and Rec and all 19:00:36 the wonderful things that you do. And here you are making plans in the castle tower, without us for a year and a half Louie said two weeks ago, you know, on this, this plan that wasn't, you know announced to anybody, including our, you know, our city 19:00:52 councilors that work so hard to represent our interests, and it almost feels backhanded that there's planning against us. And so when you say that you're going to work with us and that you're going to offer limits. 19:01:04 And when, when you promised limits that were broken explicitly broken promises as to the hours of the stadium field and the operation of the stadium field down the street. 19:01:13 I don't see how how you can expect us to trust you and and then when we asked you about alternatives, and you clearly haven't considered any alternatives. 19:01:23 I just, I mean, 19:01:28 where, where would you be in our, in our space right here Nicole. 19:01:33 What would you do if you were us, and you just felt like the government officials that you're paying out of your own taxpayer money to do their jobs, representing you are, are not only not listening to you, but doing things that totally fall in the face 19:01:49 of their health well being and lifestyle. 19:01:51 What would you do Nicole. 19:01:55 Thanks, Josh for those comments. You know our responsibility is to the entire community and we of course take very seriously our commitment to the neighbors. 19:02:06 We want to work closely with our neighbors. 19:02:09 I'm not aware of any of the, the, times with the stadium agreement that that hadn't been followed, but we are open to having those discussions and and continuing that work with the school department Parks and Recreation, and the neighbors, and it would 19:02:27 be the same case here, we are simply looking at the city wide need, and so the school athletics program has a need. 19:02:37 that those are not a great solution for anyone for the student athletes and for the neighbors, with some of the negative effects of those temporary lights, your thing permanent lights would be better for us. 19:03:00 Yes, I think the permanently oh can you pass them would be that without a conscience. 19:03:06 Well, I mean everything we've showed in the presentation this evening is that the late system that's proposed is being specialized and built for the footprint of this field in a manner that would minimize the impacts to the property line so be minimizing 19:03:24 impact is not promising that there will be no impact so you guys promised at the stadium field that there will be no impact to a butters. 19:03:32 So basically, you're saying that when it's not convenient for you. You don't need to keep your own promise that you made two years ago, or your promises, I don't, I don't know, help me understand that why why you wouldn't keep the same agreement that 19:03:45 you made two years ago. 19:03:46 Hey Josh, I like to get a little bit of clarification on, you know, again, going back to Commissioner bank statement that we're not aware that the agreement has been broken at the stadium field. 19:04:02 So it would be great if you can let us know how that agreement is be well I don't think we, we have a time limit. So I like to understand if the light or the lights remaining on after nine o'clock, with the lights of the lights have been on as late as 19:04:22 I don't know 10 or 1030 or 11 o'clock at night at times, and there are no matter when anybody's on the field or not and I'm pretty sure I need to go back and look at what the regulations are that they were agreed upon, you know and and you know do it 19:04:34 we could do a comparison on that you could do it or I could do it just as easily, but the fact is that I'm pretty sure Reza Reza might be able to speak on this because I know he was more integrally involved in it, but I don't believe I believe there was 19:04:48 they were not supposed to be on every night of the week. Right. Well, there were far more many games then were anticipated that I think was one of the areas where it was the the the agreement was was broken in part of it is because of covert but at the 19:05:03 same time. You can't have that here I mean if there's going to be a, an agreement with this field, this close to these neighbors. It needs to be ironclad and it cannot be broken. 19:05:14 Right. And then on top of that, you know, it's like, you know, there's an agreement, but then it's like, Okay, well, obviously pandemics extraordinary and the pandemic, you know, who knows if that staying or not and it's an eye of the beholder and it's 19:05:24 it's a gray area right because it's, it's kind of staying and maybe it'll be here forever who knows but but before we digress too much. 19:05:32 The fact is that the you know the few weeks ago when we had this other webinar, you guys admitted that that the lights are on, more than they were going to be because the school hours changed. 19:05:45 Right, so, you know, you said that there's not going to pa pa pa now and there's not going to be extra bleacher seating, you said that's not in the plans, but two years ago in public. 19:05:56 You guys told us that there would never be lights on this field. 19:05:59 That was publicly stated, two years ago, excuse me two and a half years ago at the meeting at the hearing on the stadium lights. There was a question asked, it's not in the transcript I've worked but I was there and other people heard it too. 19:06:12 And it was stated that there would not be lights on Brandeis field that there was only going to be lights on the stadium field but here we are two and a half years later. 19:06:20 So like, you know how far can we trust, all these comments because things keep changing. These are our lives you're fucking with pardon my language like it's it's really, I mean, I wrote you Nicole you have not responded to my questions and I would really 19:06:33 appreciate some responses to my email from November, 10, as that I've already follow ups on a few times and my email from earlier this week. 19:06:42 If you want to answer those emails on this call, that would be welcome. 19:06:46 But, but, I mentioned to you that we've, we've walked the neighborhood myself and several others, and we have, we have brunch spread support very vehemently against this. 19:06:57 And people some people some of our neighbors here. Feel so walked on that they physically shake with fewer just by the mention of the city, and how they've been treated in this neighborhood whether whether it comes to the church situation of 10 or 12 19:07:22 ago, or the lights a few years ago or some other stuff that I'd never even heard of I've been here for eight years. And just because we live next to the fields, and we are happy we bought these homes. Happy to be here right, I don't mind the field next 19:07:39 thing you got cars, you got people walking around and nighttime you can hear a pin drop out here right and that's been all blow up when you guys run our lives with these lights. 19:07:46 Okay. And that's not to mention the lights and everything itself so I just don't understand this like we we trust and pay and elect your, the people who are point you're new to your jobs, and I don't know why Mayor fuller is is pushing for this I can 19:08:11 assume that this is her agenda, because I've talked to so many other people in the community. I don't think the community sports want lights here. I think they would be perfectly happy with them and other fields. 19:08:17 I don't know why the high school needs another set of lights. The whole reason that you wanted lights at the stadium field was for night games. So now you got the night games you don't need another field lit for night games, and for a million bucks no 19:08:26 less we have other things that the city could use. 19:08:29 Besides, another subtle lights, and then you say you only need them for six weeks that the neatest for six weeks right from October through mid December or whatever. 19:08:38 So why the heck are we putting permanent lights in there all year round, and spending all this money. There are so many holes that are so logical that It baffles me what how we can be so i don't know i don't want to pass judgment with adjectives or whatever 19:08:54 but but I just, I'm, I'm totally beside myself to understand how this project has proceeded in the way that it has, and the disrespect that you've paid the neighborhood by like Leonid said, you know, doing all this behind our backs and not communicating 19:09:09 clearly it's just, it's extremely really disappointing. I can't even, I'll just stop there like I think I've made a lot of points here I hope you've made note of them, they're not going to be addressed by putting lights on the field in any manner it's 19:09:21 totally unacceptable. If we need to sue I've already told you, Nicole that we are very prepared to sue. There are plenty of deep pockets here who will take this the distance. 19:09:31 We've spoken for hours to that very many lawyers who know the case law, and you do not have rights to do this, and we've communicated this clearly and it would be really wonderful. 19:09:40 If you would just drop this already, and focus on alternative solutions that we've asked for, and that you've totally blatantly ignored. 19:09:50 All right, Josh, I will check my email inbox I'm sure I do have an email message from you I have quite a few in my email right now so I will look through that and find that message and get back to you. 19:10:03 And I do want to clarify just to make sure everybody understands the lights off time at the stadium field is 930 latest, and that is, you know, when it when a game is ending. 19:10:17 If it was on past 930, we have a dimming setting that is really just meant to get people out safely so they have time to get their things and walk back to their car, and give time for the stadium to be shut down properly so that that is the, you know, 19:10:33 time allotment there and, you know, what I can say is the project proposal is intended to meet the needs of the school athletics program, and they do have a need for expanded evening play. 19:10:47 We also have a larger city wide need for the youth sports programs as well. 19:10:58 I know I have a hand up again. You don't want to call me high councilor Caitlin. Thank you. There's a lot going on on the screen. I have two quick questions so one, I just wanted to follow up on one thing that Josh brought up because I just wasn't aware 19:11:14 of it, of the spillage in the other field is that intentional, is that not, and is more controllable because you're talking about two different sized lights in this area. 19:11:29 And then the second thing is, I would like to dig in more on the details of Oak Hill, and what you're planning in when you're planning and compare that or discuss that within the context of the trade offs, that you're probably going to have to make with 19:11:48 lights here. So, I don't know if we do that offline or not but I think that's a conversation worth having because you're hearing. 19:11:57 You know, the impacts this can have and we're going to have to you know the whatever agreement that is, is drafted. I think it's going to have limited time I think it's going to have, I don't, you know, I just don't know that you're going to get everything 19:12:09 you want. So, I would like to talk further about that before any of this is fully baked. 19:12:18 Sugar counselor keyless I'd be happy to talk to you about the brown outfield plan, and you know we are looking at quite a few fields, and I'm not saying that you know amenities at those sites have been taken off the table that projects, just a little 19:12:33 bit further out, and as Louise mentioned earlier, we're just at the beginning stages of hiring a design consultant who will really help us define what that field project will look like you know we're anticipating that will be at least two full size multipurpose 19:12:50 fields, but happy to discuss it more and your thoughts on what it can provide to the community. 19:12:57 I think the other question was about the lights village and Luis, I don't know if you want to take us back to yeah it's really, it's really about the difference. 19:13:10 You know what he mentioned was that this village was, I apologize, I apologize. 19:13:16 Are we really. 19:13:22 So, um, can you hear me all right yeah we were, Josh. Would you mind just allowing the conversation to continue but between the counselor and the commissioner Thank you. 19:13:33 Alright, so I was going to ask Luis if he could pull back up the slide in the presentation that shows the comparison between the proposed Brandeis light system and the stadium light system, if we can maybe answer the question about spillage. 19:13:52 Absolutely. So, thank you Councillor Kayla's for that question. i. So, earlier in the presentation I hadn't mentioned you know the these lights systems are very customizable every project varies. 19:14:06 So the goals for the stadium field, were to like the track, and the grandstands. 19:14:14 And, you know, so that spillage beyond the playing surface was was definitely intentional. 19:14:24 And the, you know, some of the side spillage beyond the sort of the end of the stadium. 19:14:36 That's a result of the four pole, so there's a little bit of sort of the lateral spill because of the full four poles, as compared to the Brandeis road field where we have six polls, so that we can aim the light at the directly at the playing surface. 19:14:54 So, so this diagram here shows sort of you know the the difference in the angles of the lighting fixtures you know obviously these are very conceptual diagrams, but just trying to illustrate the difference between the two projects, but your point is that 19:15:13 it's much more targeted and precise. Exactly, than even the fields that you, the Winkler ones. Exactly, exactly. Okay. 19:15:23 And the difference counselor keyless is that we did have more property to work with. So the footprint at the stadium has more buffer. That is the, the school and the parks footprint. 19:15:39 So we were, you know, actually looking to design those lights to light the track around the field and light, the, you know, amenities such as the stadium seating and those things as well. 19:15:52 And we did have more space to play with they're talking about the light spillage. What I really want to, you know, just remind everybody is that we're talking about the direct light from the ball. 19:16:07 So, you know what, what spillage Are you going to see when you're looking directly at that light source. 19:16:22 Thanks for bringing that back up for us. 19:16:31 I've been unmuted. This is Josh able to speak again. 19:16:35 Hi Josh yes we can hear you. 19:16:37 Thanks. 19:16:39 Can I can I show a few photos. Is that possible. 19:16:47 Um, I think you can do that I'm a little tentative I don't want to have anything personal shared so I think the photo you just brought up was was of the light if you want to show that one. 19:17:19 I'll show these two so so this this photo right here is the baseball field from the parking lot where that lion's den painted, you know locker room is with the stadium to the right, you can see that in the background, or like some homes on the eastern 19:17:41 side of Winston road. 19:17:44 I think maybe I don't know roughly 20 to 50 Winston road. 19:17:48 If you measure those out there about four to 500 feet away at the farthest and about 200 feet at the closest. 19:17:57 So you can see that the lights that that you know are. 19:18:01 I guess you're trying to light the grandstand only but they they go one to 400 feet past the grandstand right now. 19:18:09 And, and that's the brightest part of them. The dimness is a gradient of course so there's their dim light that pollutes even further. 19:18:19 I took this picture with the lights out. 19:18:23 See the difference. 19:18:30 It's the exact same area. That's the difference. So, you know, if you're talking. 19:18:38 When you talk I respect what you're saying about trying to minimize spillage, but you've still got really bright lights polluting the night sky in our neighborhood that does impact us in a very very negative way, not to mention the fact that what I said 19:18:52 before that the noise is a really significant issue at night it's it's quiet here, you know, and it's it's just, it's not something that we bought into it's not something that you need to do. 19:19:05 I know that you represent the community you keep saying that as if the community is clamoring for this, but I think there's other ways to satisfy the community, without putting permanent lights on the field, and I would really think that you would do 19:19:19 justice to the community. 19:19:21 And not just us, but especially us but also the community, the high school and the community soccer we were talking a few weeks ago, it seemed like this was all more for community soccer, but now we're talking back like it's for the high school, so I 19:19:32 don't really know what what you think it's for per se but. 19:19:37 But regardless, there's other ways to do this without putting permanent lights on this field. And I really liked you guys to start considering it so we don't need to see you. 19:19:51 Hey. Thank you, Josh. And will you consider alternatives Nicole. 19:19:56 That was one of my questions to you so I may as well just ask it on the subject. I mean, you know, will you still consider alternatives are you guys, is this a done deal for you and this is the only solution that you think works. 19:20:07 So, we have been requested by the school department to look at the light proposal for this field to meet the current need for the school athletics. And then we also do have the larger community need of the use for groups so it is it is a dual purpose, 19:20:25 project, who at the school requested a host who at the school requested it. 19:20:32 So the athletic department has requested it as has the school administration. 19:20:38 So the principles brand new so I doubt that the administration per se requested it Pat Are you there. 19:20:48 Hello. 19:20:49 Yes, I'm here. 19:20:51 Can you speak to the needs that you have for this field to be lighted shut within late start, they laid dismissal practices that is solely for the theory now a place of studying at 330, as it was before. 19:21:07 There, in the fall, we led September mid October is not an issue but as we go for from May to October to meet end of November. 19:21:18 The lights by 415, or off, which you remember when, when the few times that we use the length of lights. 19:21:27 They were studying coming up about 530 quarter to six and then we had to move around and and me because of that. 19:21:36 The reality of the end of the school. It doesn't allow for all the teams to practice on the light of field, this stadium. So we are trying to put teams together in the, in the same area without lights in the practice time, get ready us between the middle 19:21:56 of October towards the end of November, and that's that's your need for the school year, is that correct. 19:22:05 In the fall, in the spring is the beginning of the spring, because of the you know the lights go the other way. The reality is, for us, Brandeis road, but on the road is a practice field in us. 19:22:19 Because counselor Ryan was saying. 19:22:24 The gameplay they are they use in in the morning on a Saturday morning or early afternoon on a Saturday. It is a practice field right now that field is used by four teams that share this space. 19:22:40 So the times to go home, you know after practice that some become a nine o'clock time, but practically in the spring, you don't use it much I know for me years because there's snow on the field, and you're practicing inside or they're doing other things 19:22:53 to work out. So you're basically talking about were, you know, the. 19:22:59 So the, and when did you. Do you remember when you requested the lights from Nicole and her team. 19:23:06 When we missed field when they school, Josh, I just, I just want to answer, do you mind. 19:23:14 Sure, yes, I do mind I would just like to add something in to the conversation here. I just wanted to say that I want to clarify that the the school department request is not just for this field the Northfield has also been requested for evening play 19:23:28 and for lights. And so, when I say the request was from the school administration that is from the superintendent's office, and the school and frustration, and of course, each school's athletic department will have, you know, their needs that they will 19:23:43 need to lay out and schedule each season, so Oh I'm sorry I, I heard you say a few minutes ago that the athletic director requested the light so I was asking, Pat when she recalled requesting the lights from you guys that do you remember when you made 19:24:12 The station was said this three levels, Josh, and it's related to the school committee decision have been made dismissal office. 19:24:11 Okay, so did you request lights from the school district officials. 19:24:17 Okay, I'm gonna, I'm just going to stop this conversation now I don't think we're getting anywhere with the, with the line of questioning and Josh if you have questions about this, please reach out to me and I will put you in touch with the appropriate 19:24:30 person at the school department. 19:24:33 Yeah, I just I just wish you guys answered questions more directly and it just. 19:24:40 We don't need to. We are trying to answer the questions directly, and this question is just something that should be directed to the school department. 19:24:48 Yeah and you said a minute ago that it was the athletic director who requested the lights, and the school administration so I was just asking a simple question if Pat remember when she requested it but it sounds like we're gonna move on from that. 19:25:03 Thank you, Josh. Sounds good. I need to leave. I'm sorry. Thank you so much. 19:25:23 I'm Steve and feral his hand raised can just unmute Mr Pharaoh 19:25:16 short. I'm sorry, so the people ahead of me, but thank you for recognizing it. I have a couple of general questions here if I may ask, there's an athletic fields capital improvement plan from August 10 2021, in which you have a community survey, 19:25:39 indicating which were they the activities that people were most interested in. 19:25:46 And I would just like to know who participated in that survey, who you invited to participate in that survey, Stephen. I can answer that question that survey was part of the open space and recreation plan initiative that that the city had been working 19:26:04 on updating you know between 2019 and 2020. 19:26:11 It was a survey that was coordinated by the planning department, as part of this process. So roughly 1300 residents responded to the, to the survey. I was selected to be invited to participate. 19:26:29 I'm sorry, our residents selected to be invited to participate. 19:26:48 It was not directly sent to a specific resident I, I, I would defer to the planning department I can get you in contact with Jennifer Steele, who was on that plan. Thank you, Luis but it's your plan. 19:26:52 We're by me. 19:26:55 We are, it's a it's a combined citywide plan, you know there are a lot of it. 19:27:01 Clearly, there are many people in this city many people who have vested interest in these activities, who are not invited to participate. 19:27:10 And one of the groups that I would suggest to you is the residents around the Newton South High School who have been very active for 1516 years in the life of the school pack concerning tell you that. 19:27:25 And so can former mayors and former has a partial migrations so I just wanted to know that. 19:27:33 who, who gave you those notions. 19:27:36 Secondly, I'd like to ask. 19:27:38 Commissioner you presented a plan last night to the planning and Services Committee, about your, your proposals, and it's an updated plan that committee Astro I would like to know if that's available to the public. 19:27:55 It is so the presentation for from last night's presentation to Programs and Services Committee of the city council is posted on our fields website, where we are posting these meetings as well. 19:28:10 And that meeting should be available to be viewed. I believe those are recorded by new TV, and those can be viewed at that site as well. How about the slideshow the plan that you presented is that available to be seeing that slide show is available on 19:28:35 parks and recreation website under the fields projects section look for that I couldn't find it today but that's okay, I'll watch it again. I put the link in the, in the chat so you can just grab it and thank you very much I appreciate that. 19:28:45 You've mentioned that you've hired various consultants to look at, for instance to kill fields. 19:28:53 My question is have you begun with consultants will look at the overall parks athletic facilities plan someone who can give you a general perspective about all of the city, sites in the city. 19:29:09 Before you begin to focus on specific ones. 19:29:13 So we have not yet hired our consultants. We are working right now on hiring consultants to do design and engineer work, we are using the other city plans our capital plan our open space and recreation plan, and are developing a five year strategic plan 19:29:32 that names. The specific sites Luis I think you might have had the sites listed earlier in this presentation, those sites have been selected by the city to be analyzed first. 19:29:47 You know in this first five year span. 19:29:50 but we are just at the beginning stages of working with the consultants so we are, we're looking at hiring them very soon. So just to be clear, you have one consultant, per project or you have is there an overall consulting team that is looking at all 19:30:10 of these projects and say, Excuse me, I'm sorry I. 19:30:16 All of these projects together. 19:30:18 That would complement your, I'm sure what you must by now have an understanding of exactly how many Multi Purpose seals, you would like to have throughout the city, and where they would be best be placed within that. 19:30:37 I'm sure you're telling the consultants that you would have I don't know how many balls that purpose feels you think you need to have to meet your, your objectives. 19:30:46 But, and how many of those you believe needs to be lighted in order to meet the need for evening programs. 19:30:55 So I'm just I'm just thinking that you must have someone who's looking at this as an overall project rather than looking at. Oh, what can we do it yourself. 19:31:15 And then independently or what can we do it Albemarle, and then independently, saying, Oh, well what can we do at Oak Hill. So I'm just basically. Are you having anyone come in to do an overall look based on what I'm sure from the survey you did the overall 19:31:25 needs of the athletic all the athletic programs throughout the city. 19:31:31 Stephen I can, you know, elaborate on on your question, thank you for that. So, as Commissioner banks mentioned, we are in the process of hiring a designer. 19:31:46 So we put out a qualification. 19:31:49 Sorry. The designer for what, for I will continue a little bit on that. So, the designer for athletic fields and parks, we have a number of projects as Commissioner bank stated highlighted in the in the capital improvements plan. 19:32:10 So we're looking at hiring multiple consultants, but not in the traditional way where, you know, one for brown don't kill one for Albemarle, we are looking at this in a holistic fashion. 19:32:24 So, but the way that we're doing this is by hiring a couple of on call designers, so that we can, you know, sort of look at multiple sites all at once so we're, we're not looking at each one in a vacuum, if you will. 19:32:43 So that, I'm sorry, sir. 19:32:45 Yeah, yeah, no that's. Oh, and with respective sort of let's just say the mostly purpose fields. 19:32:54 Do you now know how many you need in order to meet the requirements of the, of all of the athletic teams that you have in organizations that you've been working with. 19:33:09 I'm sure you must have asked them what they think they must need, and you have a number of multipurpose fields in mind to spread out around the city. 19:33:14 And now your consultants are going to try to help you understand whether it's best to put them. 19:33:19 Ir consultant will certainly help, we have a lot of in house capabilities to do that. So, one of the constraints that we're dealing with in the city of noon being such an old city and just, you know, sort of these oblong or irregular parcels is that, 19:33:38 you know, our goal is to provide full size Multi Purpose fields. 19:33:45 That is the request or the need that we've been hearing from the athletic leads. 19:33:53 And the challenge that we have in Newton, is that not all parts and areas, provide that sort of dimensional requirement for regulation size Multi Purpose field, and that extends also to ball diamonds we only have a few that are really regulation side 19:34:12 so we're, you know, we're looking at it from that perspective. So I grant that not all the fields and in the city are appropriate for a full scale. 19:34:22 Multi Purpose sealed. But you must have a sense I would think by now about how many you need so that you can say to the consultants okay and all of look around the city and see if you can find spaces for what will be optimum let's say 20, and you're consulted 19:34:39 with come in and say well you know you really can't get 20 you can get 14. 19:34:49 that at the moment we're not at the moment Stephen we're doing a lot of data analysis in house, you know, with our maintenance team doing use and field conditions assessment and then our worldwide hiring consultants before you've made those assessments. 19:35:08 Well, we have a list of capital improvement projects that we, we are looking to get through and and many of those projects have systems that are at end of life. 19:35:19 So for example, Albemarle the polls out there are at end of life, so we do need to replace them. But we find opportunities in which we can improve multi sport play there. 19:35:32 So that's why we're hiring a consultant. So that's just one example, that's good that's a very good example. Let me just ask that Albemarle. 19:35:42 do you. 19:35:49 I understand there's a there's a planning going on for the gas pool right now, is that correct, yes. Yeah, which I think is very important and I think it's a big project that should be done. 19:35:55 And I think the interests of the neighbors are the people who use it. 19:36:11 As I understand it, are really pretty complex and very interesting. 19:36:03 Is there any consideration given the configuration of that field, about where that new pool can be. 19:36:13 Does it have to be exactly where it is or could have been moved to a different portion of album off. 19:36:21 So, we are looking at the pool in its current location, I understand that. My question is, in you're looking at this as anyone suggested to you that given this shape of that field, you would get much more bang for your buck in terms of multi purpose deals 19:36:42 in terms of the gap pool in terms of lights in terms of the baseball diamonds. If you move the ball to a different site. 19:36:54 So, we have gotten some comments about the potential for moving the pool but at the same time there are, there are a lot of folks who want the pool where it is. 19:37:06 Well I think that's very interesting but the people who I mean I'm sure in your negotiations with that community. You're saying yes the pool is very important to the city and we understand it's very important to the uses of the pool. 19:37:18 But there are other uses of this scarce Parkland that have equal and demanding need for a greater use of that park as a whole. 19:37:31 So therefore, you know, we should probably consider the possibility of moving it to a new location I'm just wondering is all I'm wondering is, if that has been given any consideration in your planning. 19:37:47 In order to use a rare resource of land to its fullest capacity. 19:37:53 So Stephen we have already gone through the process of requesting funds for the feasibility study for the gaff pool project, and the scope of that project was set as a renovation or replacement of the outdoor pool, so that that's currently what we're 19:38:13 looking at the analysis of that project scope doesn't include removing that pool from the site. 19:38:22 It could include changing the footprint slightly, but but we're not currently within that project, looking at moving it to somewhere else. Now, if that is something that there's feedback that comes in, and the city wants to analyze that then that would 19:38:41 be, we would need to start a separate process for that but that's not part of that current project. I appreciate you saying that let me just say just that in terms of planning there's another field. 19:38:53 That was planned without full consideration of all the possibilities. And that's the Newton Laura Mills, Laura. 19:39:01 Laura false Phil where now is not being able to be used because it was planned improperly. 19:39:07 So I'm saying before you spend a whole lot of money and time doing one piece on that precious resource, have a field. 19:39:19 Why can't you go back, or to anybody and say look, you know there's a thought that maybe we should look at a different place because we also want to put a fully lighted baseball field we also want to put in fully lighted Multi Purpose deal, we want to 19:39:35 put another soccer field. 19:39:39 And if we leave the pool where it is, then it just doesn't work, and we've lost an opportunity. I would just suggest to you that now is the opportunity to give full considerations and maybe maybe maybe looking at things like that, before you spend a penny 19:39:56 and putting a shovel in the ground. 19:40:05 That's all I'm suggesting Stephen I think I hear what you're saying and you know I do agree we want the consultants working on the pool project, working very closely hand in hand with the city and with the consultants that will be starting to work on 19:40:13 the field designs for that site so that is very important for us to have that be integrated. But I just want to be clear that the the project scope for the gas pool project does not include the building rebuilding the building, or changing the location. 19:40:35 Why couldn't that be included. 19:40:38 I'm not saying it can't be. I just it doesn't right now that's that's not the project that that the city put forward and that has the, the funding available for it right now in the city being the mayor and the City Council. 19:40:50 This This project was requested through CPC. So the funding is through CPC with CPA funds and this is the the project scope that the Parks and Recreation Department put forward, you know as as as any proposal. 19:41:06 And I would just suggest to you that I'm not a, I'm not a planner I'm not a parts person now. But I look at that field. 19:41:17 And even as a novice, I can see that if that pool were placed in a different location and done the way it should be done. 19:41:26 The way that people wanted to be done, you would have much greater use of the rest of the property and on Alba. 19:41:32 And I think it's before you waste any more money solidifying the position where it truly is. I would just say, just to say that maybe, well, maybe we ought to look at something different because we also need Multi Purpose fields, we need lighted fields. 19:41:50 And as many of them as we can possibly get. Again, I'm sure you know how many you need because you've done that study, but there aren't many places in the city to do it so I'm so I don't want to monopolize this but. 19:42:03 Thanks, Steve, I really appreciate that feedback. And I do want to make sure we give everybody an opportunity. 19:42:11 We have more comments about the Brandeis field as well. Go ahead. 19:42:16 Thank you. 19:42:17 Thanks. 19:42:24 I see no comments are hands raised. 19:42:27 Right, so if anybody has something else they'd like to add you can take yourself off mute or raise your hand. 19:42:36 With Goldman, sorry Robin. 19:42:42 Okay. Hi. 19:42:43 This is Ruth Goldman, I am on the school committee for exactly 21 more days, I'm the chair. 19:42:51 I'm a ward six resident and both my kids attended Newton South High School and played a lot of athletics there and also played a lot of youth sports around the city. 19:43:08 I think a couple of things I would point out is the location of a field adjacent to schools is a critical component of having better playing fields, more accessible playing field and lighted playing fields and Albemarle is a great example of being located 19:43:28 next today, middle school and is actually a field that I believe is used by new north. 19:43:35 It doesn't solve, obviously the Newton South problem. 19:43:40 I would point out if you look at other cities in our athletic leagues and pat knows this. Well, I think Newton South was the last school in the DC, l the just the the dual county league to get a lighted field, and that was essentially last year because 19:44:00 prior to that we'd had, we had, you know, a few temporary lights for a portion of the year, and north. Once they get some lights will be the last school in the Bay State League, to get lighted fields. 19:44:19 So, Newton is not ahead of the game here. The school committee voted to change the start time. I believe that our first or second meeting in May. So this is a relatively new immediate need. 19:44:35 And there are a number of reasons for the vote, at that time, a lot to do with Covidien the pandemic. 19:44:43 So that's the timing on that. And I would just reiterate that we have 2000 students and north and 2000 students at South another 3000 students between Oak Hill and brown and they are over 50% of our student body plays athletics and most of them are done 19:45:05 outside. So these are heavily needed assets for our city and we want to do it in, in consultation with the neighbors and we needed to work for everyone. 19:45:19 And I think that for me is the biggest and most critical thing is we live in a reasonably crowded city and yes, we are lucky to have some quiet nights here and I really value that I also live with leaf blowers in my neighborhood all day and I'm one of 19:45:37 those few people who does my own lawn and I rake it. So it's not exciting for me to be working from home all day with leaf blowers, but they do shut off at night and for that I'm grateful. 19:45:49 So I think we just need to figure our way through this and we need to collaborate and we need to work together because we have a lot of folks who aren't here, and I'm assuming that lots of the folks in the neighborhood will also at some point have middle 19:46:03 and high school students like my kids who loved playing sports. And I know from reviewing the Newton South newsletters that I still get that those lighted games on Friday and Saturday night, or an enormous boost to our high school students and their looked 19:46:24 upon eagerly. It's part of being a high school student and so I just wanted to put in a plug for getting for finding a way through, where we can accommodate the neighbors, but also accommodate our several thousand students, as well as the hundreds and 19:46:41 hundreds of kids thousands of kids who play youth sports, beginning in kindergarten all the way through some through high school but many through eighth grade until they get to the high schools. 19:46:59 Thank you. 19:47:01 Mr Pharaoh. 19:47:06 Stephen if you could please mute yourself. 19:47:09 But. 19:47:11 Gosh, there was golden that I couldn't agree with you more but students. 19:47:20 Part of our concern is that this field at Brandeis, this is not going to be just for students. 19:47:27 In fact, it will be. Once the lights are in the pressure to use that field, every single night. Bye community groups, and other leagues will be enormous. 19:47:40 And given that, as I've heard said in these meetings that the school's pretty much occupy all of the time every night until probably, I don't know when kids go home and do their homework or let's say eight o'clock, then that means the time after that 19:47:56 is going to be held by other community groups and other organizations using the fields that on Saturdays and Sundays. 19:48:05 This is not just about the schools. 19:48:08 And that is one of the reasons why as I brought up about the album on planning for album bar. 19:48:14 So the community organizations and leagues will have other places to do their work and play their sports, and all the pressure won't be on Newton south and north. 19:48:28 as the two fields. 19:48:30 I mean I still think partially recreation or to spend the money to fix new law if it feels new law is fulfilled with a multi purpose field or at least this infill synthetic turf field. 19:48:44 Instead of having spent all that money and now I'm not be able to use the field. 19:48:48 So, although as Josh said earlier, we all know, and knew what it was like we bought our homes to be here. 19:48:59 And none of us objects to the sports of the schools, none of us. 19:49:04 In fact, many of us for three years to get those fields six properly. 19:49:09 Well we have always objected to is that after the school day is over, and then that means practice on some of the fields. 19:49:20 You know, because a little later. That's okay, but not till 930 every night. Not every weekend. 19:49:27 We just don't think that's appropriate. So when I asked the commissioner, in terms of planning. 19:49:33 If you can get more use out of Albemarle and not put all the pressure on Newton south, that benefits everybody. 19:49:42 And it would be another way to come closer to a resolution on what's happening in south. Thank you. 19:50:00 Right back everybody just need to unmute. 19:49:56 So this is pretty much to echo what them is the foul said is, you know, for us the field, just for the athletics of these kids. It's not a not a problem, you can shut down the lights at eight 830 hopefully you'll go home and do their homework by then. 19:50:09 You can also shut off the lights, pretty much after Thanksgiving or early December because it's the fall sports ends, and there's no need to have lights in winter, until maybe a month in spring. 19:50:23 So if we agree to this that's already a huge make a huge difference in people's lives. 19:50:32 Thank you, Ben Affleck and Stephen, I think you make some really good points there and Stephen I know that you know you worked with the city and the school on an agreement for the stadium field. 19:50:45 I think we are all here are our hearing from you that you know the Brandeis field is not the same. So let's have a conversation and get together to talk about what are the right ways to manage times and schedules and time of year. 19:51:04 All of those are really good suggestions I think you both were bringing those things up. 19:51:12 Right last call if anybody would like to raise your hand, 19:51:19 add anything else to the conversation. I very much appreciate that everyone came out tonight that we had a good conversation about the needs of the school the needs of the community and the needs of the neighbors. 19:51:33 I think that then, the next step is for us to try to find a date. That is mutually agreeable for a site visit so I would like to ask our counselors that are on this call to, you know, I work with you and we will try to have that communication so that 19:51:51 we can set a good date and time. 19:51:54 Hopefully we can meet in the evening on site so that we can look at the light system at the stadium field, and then have some more conversation about the Brandeis field, and the needs for that, that field schedule, and other items that we want to discuss 19:52:12 there. 19:52:14 I don't have anything else to add. 19:52:16 Does anybody else want to say anything or, Stephen. Thank you. Just a quick question. When you have that meeting, would you be kind enough to invite a couple of us in the neighborhood to listen 19:52:32 to the counselors do that. 19:52:35 Yes. So what I would like to do is just make sure that I have everyone's email so I will have the emails from the two meetings that we've held, so we can reach out by those emails but Stephen If you or anyone else on this call is interested in, inviting 19:52:53 somebody else or or knows somebody who would like to share their email address with us. 19:52:58 They can send it into our project, email, which I think is field projects, at least we have that one in the chat. 19:53:11 Oh sorry, Luis you're on mute now. 19:53:15 I apologize, I guess I'm a novice at zoom today. Sorry about that.