18:01:31 you have folks coming in Commissioner 18:02:05 Alright, a big hello to everyone in our audience tonight. Thank you for joining us this evening. 18:02:10 To go through our updated designs for the album rl fields layout. 18:02:17 This is a exciting and timely priority. All the moral is the the heart of recreation. 18:02:25 In this city, and we've had some great input at our community meetings. 18:02:30 Thus far we have been meeting as a team with some of our sport group liaisons, and have been able to narrow down and bring back some specific designs for field layout at Alb Marl. 18:02:45 That will fit in the space and we're excited to show those tonight, and get your feedback on that This is one of several projects that we are working on in the city. 18:02:57 One of several athletic field projects, and I just want to let everyone here know tonight that we will be meeting again on June the thirteenth, at 6 0 P. 18:03:08 M. to discuss our other field locations, which include a Mcgrath, Brown, Okill, and 18:03:18 Help me out Burr. First school fields. so if you're interested in any of those sites you can sign up for the webinar at Newton, and a Gov. 18:03:30 Field projects, and we hope that you will not join us for those as well. 18:03:35 And again looking at designs layouts for athletic fields. 18:03:40 So the Albumar Field project tonight it's a timely project. I think many of you have been following along with our Gaff Pool project as well as our need to replace the lights at Albumaro We do 18:03:53 have the failing light system. So it's a project that we've been moving forward with expeditiously i'm gonna turn the presentation over to Louise, who will kick us off here this evening just also want 18:04:07 to introduce Greg Millett and Cassie Bethany, Greg. 18:04:13 From Parks Recreation and culture, and Cassie is from Weston and Samson. 18:04:19 So thank you for joining us here tonight. for the presentation Louise, it's all yours, thank you. 18:04:23 Commissioner hello, everyone, many of you know me but I'm Louise Perez de Marisi, director of parts in open space, and we are here to talk about this very exciting project and the progress that We've 18:04:37 made So getting right to it on the agenda, we have goals schedule a project background an overview of what we've heard from the previous community meeting on May third updated concepts discussion and next 18:04:57 steps, and at the end of this meeting we'll run a a quick poll to gauge preference between the 2 concepts. 18:05:09 So you wanted to kind of go back before getting into the album. 18:05:16 Are all go back to our comprehensive plan and just highlight, and show how album are all fits within our entire plan. 18:05:26 So or athletic fields plan so with it within that plan. 18:05:33 We're looking at the graph for a school brown o kill 18:05:39 We're also looking at replacing the turf carpet, seppled high schools as well as lighting new north stadium and lighting Brandeis road field and then once we get through the 18:05:53 initial 6 locations we would move over to for Tang Bracelet 18:06:03 And then, of course, we would continue building upon this plan as we renovate and improve these areas. 18:06:10 So with that I will hand it over to Cassie. to go over the remainder of the project. 18:06:18 Presentation. Thanks, Louise. and just to reintroduce myself from Cassie Bethany. 18:06:24 I'm. a landscape architect and project manager for Western Samson and 18:06:30 We've had a her heard a lot from the community so far it's been great. 18:06:34 We've also have a city working group that we've been working closely with 18:06:40 Those folks are listed here. they're members of parks Rex and Culture Law Department, Public Works, the Mayor's Office Conservation Commission the public schools and our team here as well. 18:06:55 So very robust in a range of folks with many perspectives. 18:07:00 Next slide, 18:07:05 Project goals. So in 4 categories we have goals around the fields and courts. 18:07:10 We have General Park amenities. Have you utility, infrastructure goals? 18:07:15 And Did the Commissioner already mentioned the big one which is cleaning up the electrical system and improve the Add new sports lighting to replace the old. 18:07:26 And then implementation and design coordination items under the courts. 18:07:33 We're really looking to maximize the amount of space that we have on the site. 18:07:39 Make best in highest use of those those fields we want to reduce the amount of overlaps that we have. 18:07:47 We want to optimize court so that they're kept together and they're used their highest and best ability. 18:07:53 Park amenities wise, or a park amenities to wide. 18:08:00 We are looking for everything to be universally, universally accessible. 18:08:06 Gonna make a trail, and we'll take use path connection 18:08:12 There is a robust neighborhood around and and pathways through the school, so we want to make sure all those connections are strong. 18:08:19 We wanna plant new trees and protect the existing trees that are out there, which are in great shape. and 18:08:26 There are some significant trends on the site utilities. we want to 18:08:33 I mentioned the first one about lighting and then storm water management and flood storage capacity will be important here, since we're next to cheesecake, brook and there's already flooding on site now and 18:08:46 then coordination wise we've been working closely with the pool design team and then really the next step 18:08:55 After this meeting, when we get the preferred plan we'll be looking very closely at how the improvements can take place over time and a staged approach. 18:09:04 And how we negotiate between field use and the the active use of the fields during certain time periods. 18:09:12 And what makes makes sense in terms of actual construction timeline next slide. 18:09:20 So last time we showed a schedule that was really focused on our design work, and we've expanded that schedule out to try to anticipate when we could see construction happening in some form or another this is very 18:09:39 loose right now, and it will be refined. But we are working. 18:09:46 Once we reach a consensus about our plan we're nearing the end of the schematic design phase or we'll come up with a preferred plan. 18:09:54 We plan to be in front of parks and recognition to present that plan at the end of this month, and then we will move into a design document. 18:10:07 Scope of work for that first staged area. that we would like to do improvements on and then we'll move through that design process to get to construction. 18:10:21 Plus, or minus around full 2023 and Throughout that process we'll continue to provide updates on the project. 18:10:31 You will also be in front of Cpc. for funding. 18:10:38 Will City Council and we'll have to we'll go through the formal and ai and conservation commission process as well. 18:10:46 Next slide, 18:10:52 So. this is a lot of writing, and I will just go through it at a high level. 18:10:57 These were a lot of comments that we heard in advance of last meeting. 18:11:02 So it's a bit of a repeat most of the comments are really focused on fields and courts and maximizing space. 18:11:10 Thinking about future use for one field is potentially synthetic. 18:11:12 Turf. retaining the open field of set the open feel of the south of gas pool. 18:11:18 Keeping Avery woods as is really not touching it or impacting it in any way. 18:11:25 And then really looking at funding sources making use of utilities in the most logical and pragmatic way. 18:11:35 And just to note that this slide deck will be available online after this meeting. 18:11:41 So. so I won't go through this at nasa and you can take your time to to read through it. 18:11:48 After this meeting next slide, I think more importantly 18:11:55 The comments we heard from last community meeting we've worked hard to incorporate those into the schemes that you'll see today. 18:12:03 So in terms of fields and courts there's really this balance between the rectangular sports and the ball field leaks. 18:12:12 And there's there's some compromise happening between the 2 schemes that you'll see of. 18:12:19 Oh, what's what we can support on the at the park 18:12:24 We looked at some options Previously we had 5 plus options that we presented on in May. 18:12:31 These schemes. Some of them looked at Burke south of Gas Pool, and ultimately we determined that was not the right course of action. 18:12:42 There were too many conflicts to make it. a viable location. So you'll the schemes you'll see today are both north of gas portal for multi-purpose fields. 18:12:53 We wanted to focus on soccer and lacrosse and other fields. 18:12:56 Other sports, but football is all is size. The fields are a size to accommodate football. 18:13:05 It won't be permanently striped but There will be tick marks to put in that temporary stripe. 18:13:12 We added in a T ball location, a not a formalized backstop. 18:13:17 But oh, location where t ball can happen, and there's 2 spots for considering for that, and then folks were interested in what we meant by refreshing fields. 18:13:27 But leaving them in place. so we've drove down a little bit more in that, and we'll continue to get into the weeds on that item. as we get to the preferred plan generally for park amenities. 18:13:41 We wanna make sure there's logical and distinct locations for storage. When a shield unwanted fees related to restroom facilities, we wanna make sure that those facilities are well distributed throughout the site 18:13:54 we want to support accessibility and clean up and organize the park. 18:13:59 And then we heard loud and clear last time that Avery Woods will not be impacted in any way. 18:14:05 We are not impacting aver wasn't anyway so that was loud and clear, and we we are moving forward without any impact to that space. 18:14:14 Next slide, 18:14:20 So is reference. the The park is in play on view here. 18:14:27 Most of the in the changes that we're proposing are happening north of Gas Pool, which is in the center 18:14:34 It's bounded by album raw road on its west side Craft Street on its north any Cp. 18:14:42 On its south end, and really day middle school avery was on its east side in the scheme. 18:14:51 In this plan we're showing where the fireworks are currently located. 18:14:55 There are 2 locations. one is in the pink color it's in the space that that takes up 3 a right now and then. 18:15:05 There's another location just southeast of that that Louise is circling in the yellow color, and we're showing the range in the dash that shows that the potential range of impact to the park next slide 18:15:27 So this is the first scheme, one of 2 in this scheme. 18:15:34 We are looking at Burke being located in the north western corner, really at the corner of Crafts and Albumar Road. 18:15:42 Here we are would then be locating the multi-purpose fields just south of that really in between Burke and like a new canal corridor through the park that runs west to east along this 18:16:00 spine. we've made space for this free deck that's connected to gas pool. 18:16:07 We are also able to fit in 6 pickleball courts and basketball right next to it. 18:16:12 So it's a really nice efficient use of space coal and roach and Murphy will all stay in their same spots will add pathways to dugouts that are covered. 18:16:27 Shelters will add storage will add material storage for infield, mix, and other materials that we need, and these would be at each, potentially at each. 18:16:37 Or in a in a centralized location between 2 fields So that's shown in both schemes just for folks to understand 18:16:46 We also are showing 2 overlays on top of Burke, just above the multi-purpose field for some smaller rectangular fields, just to show fit 18:16:58 We can get a u 8 in there and a u 12 and then we are also showing just refurbished pathway connections. 18:17:11 We're showing a widened informalized multi-use trail service connection from Craft Street down through to Faa, and then it continues down to just pass to the bottom of the site. 18:17:25 Really to connect that fully between crafts, and I believe Watertown Road. 18:17:33 So that it will be like a nice, wide, generous path that could be used by pedestrians and bicyclists, but also potentially access to eth day. 18:17:45 And then here as well, we're showing a potential. location for fireworks. That's relocated. So So it's in this triangular space of of graphs. 18:17:57 So would be the bridge between Faa Day and the park space. 18:17:59 Really at the same of coal the East Side as a potential location. 18:18:06 With the same offset that that is currently used. and then I think the rest is more or less similar to what we showed previously. 18:18:20 We are showing would guard rail along the full edge of Albumaro. 18:18:26 It's quite small, but it when you study the plans you'll see that there's a brown line that's indicating what Garbra really to direct flows of people through the space and to help create a 18:18:39 delineation space on the back side of the existing trees that line that road. 18:18:45 And then we're also showing one along craft street as well just to complete that space we're also adding a ton of trees and the green. 18:18:55 The green dots indicate new tree plantings wherever we can we're trying to fit them in we're adding a new pathway connection. 18:19:04 Just between Roach and Murphy. that connects the concessions there, and makes nice pathway connections to Murphy. 18:19:19 And then we are also showing a t ball location just north of that spot right there. 18:19:24 Yep, that Louis is circling in this scheme. 18:19:30 Finally, we have sports lighting shown for more murphy you'll see a like a light yellow color that's indicating the It's not an official photometric plan yet. But we're just indicating graphically. 18:19:43 That there's lights there. on murphy we're, showing them a call on the multi-purpose field. 18:19:48 And then at Burke, so that's those are the current fields that are lit that would continue to be lit. 18:19:56 And then we are finally in on both. schemes we're showing a bridge connection across on Cheesecake Brook that to connect visiting across the park next slide. 18:20:08 Oh, did you? Wanna Yeah, yes, thank you, Katie and I. 18:20:13 I would like to add that compared to existing conditions. 18:20:18 We made the difficult choice of removing softball 3 A. from the planets as a standalone field. and what we've done is because little league and softball can share the field based on 18:20:37 dimensions. we are looking at. So I my apologies, Roach and 3 A would be combined with a skinned in field and that way. 18:20:51 Softball can have 2 fields at this site. 18:20:56 Where they can host tournaments, and then little League will still have the 2 fields, and they can have tournaments as well. 18:21:06 So just wanted to point that out that's one of the major changes in the plan as well as the removal of the tennis courts, and replacing with pickle. 18:21:16 Of course. thank you, Louise. and then, both schemes are showing netting in certain locations where it's required, and then we'll dial more deeply into those as we get to a preferred plan But we can field 18:21:34 any questions around netting or others. when we get into the discussion period this. 18:21:40 So on to alternative to the Bigger the changes are more focused on north of gas. 18:21:50 Most of the adjustments that we made and that we're suggesting in alternative one are shown in alternative as well, really from spray in court and gas and south. 18:22:02 From there. in this scheme the biggest change is is that Burke would be located just north of the Spray area in the field house. 18:22:13 And we would have the multi-purpose feel more or less in its current location. 18:22:18 And then this scheme allows for a overlay on top of Burke. 18:22:26 That's you 12 everything else more or less stays the same. 18:22:30 We, we again have that skinned in field mix for approach. 18:22:35 We are showing in this scheme a an alternative location for the fireworks to take place at coal at the home plate. 18:22:44 And then we show an alternative location for t ball as well. 18:22:48 Just south of gas overlaid with the multi-purpose field. 18:22:52 There. The one negative in terms of sport sports. lighting for this scheme is that one of the polls would have to be located at the center outfield at Burke, which interrupts that open space so it would be 18:23:09 a lone pole really in the center, we would look to see if we could not. 18:23:15 We could find an alternative option for that. But, 18:23:17 We would work with our our manufacturer to see what options we have, so we can avoid it. 18:23:23 But it is potentially a consideration with this team and otherwise I won't belabor it. 18:23:32 But most of the other items were reflected in the previous scheme. 18:23:37 So. Those few items are the are the adjustments in the scheme. 18:23:44 I believe that that should close out the Scheme Review, and we can open it up for questions. 18:23:53 Thank you, Katie. and There, there! what There are a couple of questions on the chat. 18:24:03 From Margaret albright so i'll read those out loud, and then we have a raised hand, so we'll we'll get to that promote rick engine you know. 18:24:16 To speak so. Margaret, all bright rights, just wondering why Flip bridge across cheesecake. Bro. 18:24:22 Does not align with the path to wildwood and neighborhood west of the park. 18:24:27 I did respond via the chat noting that we are showing the bridge at its current location, or we're just showing the aerial that shows the bridge at the current location, and Then the other 18:24:42 bridge which perhaps is what you're referring to Margaret is a proposed second bridge across the brook. 18:24:52 And then another consensus concerns about a paid service road being used by park users when they cannot find parking along album or road. 18:25:07 So with that Margaret. we we realized that you know first this this road already exists, so we're formalizing it, and we would be looking at vehicular gates both from craft street but also 18:25:23 in port between Dave, Middle School, and and the Park, and and we we may also consider ways to block behavior. 18:25:36 Particular traffic from the album are all road, so our goal is to protect the park from vehicles and really not create this spine of the park. 18:25:45 As a as a wait for cars to find their way. 18:25:51 So we will do our best to protect part from vehicles that that should not be there. 18:25:59 There's a question about the gate itself there's a few options. 18:26:03 You can do. but you'll can have openings for bikers and and pedestrians to pass by on the sides, and then you can have a steel swing gate that can be unlocked or locked. 18:26:17 It can be locked in in a in various different ways but it's not It's not a chain link that can be easily opened. 18:26:25 It would actually be a physical structure that's put in place that's only opened at the needed times for access through that space. 18:26:36 Thank you, Katy. And there is another question. 18:26:41 Rick. Promise we'll get to you there is a question from Susan Albright. 18:26:48 Do you buy any chance? Have one slide showing the 2 options side by side? 18:26:53 We do not. but we can see if there is a way that we can. 18:27:01 We can do that with the pdf i'll just have to work with the technology. 18:27:08 So in the meantime. Rick, I will promote you, and you are free to speak. 18:27:19 Yes, we can. Yes, thank you, Louise, and I know a lot of this. 18:27:23 You will have heard from me before, but I do want to thank the Commission for all the work done on this very difficult project to fit in many fields as possible. 18:27:32 I know we spoke. I think alternative to is good. is good for full size baseball. 18:27:39 I really do like the Perk baseball field in that position close to the Spray Park. 18:27:43 I think that has a lot of advantages, and that does perfect present for full size. 18:27:50 Adult and high school baseball preserves a lot of options. 18:27:52 My my concern, as you know, as as everyone from Parks knows for for little league for the younger kids. 18:27:58 Here. we are essentially losing a field and a half on this plan for field 3 A. 18:28:05 For the softball field that we actually used that extensively for our senior leader offerings. 18:28:10 We actually probably have more permits on 3 a than softball does right now, because softball actually because of the configuration doesn't use 3 a very much. 18:28:18 We tend to use it more than they do. And though I understand, you know, with softball losing that field, and Softball wants to have 2 fields and deserves to have 2 fields there, I think so. 18:28:28 So they can run turnnaments when we turn. We then turn roach into a shared field. 18:28:35 Little league essentially loses half the permits on that field. 18:28:39 And one of the reasons we were talking about lighting Murphy and putting the infrastructure and the money into Murphy is because we have. 18:28:46 We have a complex there, with our batting cages, with the concession stands, and with 2 fields. 18:28:51 So if Roach is then skinned, if we have a skinned intel with just dirt, without a little again feel again, it's usable for little league. 18:28:59 But we're sharing the permit so we would assign it. 18:29:01 We would assume it, presumably have all about half the permits that we do now, so that's my concern over, for for literally over the greater issues on the way, these fields are are laid out on this on on all turn it 18:29:15 to a 2 as well as one, and the one thing I would ask Western and Samson to consider is with the basketball courts and the pickleball courts with the location where they are now just to the North 18:29:28 of coal we discussed on the east side of coal between coal and the middle school. 18:29:35 I say there's the the ball field storage area material storage area on this slide, and I saw it, or earlier one that said the possible removal of the ropes. 18:29:45 Course. You know, we know that area very well, having 2 kids a day. 18:29:49 I know that area very well in between coal and the middle school it's school property. 18:29:54 But I will wonder if we couldn't really try and lobby to have the tennis courts and pick a ball courts, or at least the pickleball courts in that area in between coal and the middle school 18:30:06 that area right Now it's a wasteland that there really isn't anything usable in that area for the middle school or for the park. 18:30:15 And again I know it's school property. but it and it would take some negotiation and time. 18:30:20 But that seems to me to be an ideal place for the pickable courts. 18:30:23 I know the pickable courts are have been asked for by the middle school. 18:30:28 They asked both for the pivotal, and I think for the multi-purpose field in Roach. 18:30:33 It would be more usable for them there, not only for pity and for any of the the athletic programs at day. 18:30:41 But possibly even for graduation or outdoor graduation, which I know they're gonna have this year. 18:30:46 So. I wanna really try and advocate for that as a possible future. 18:30:51 I generation or the future version version of this plan. What that would do, taking those pickleball courts out would enable at least the skinned in field right back to back on the north side of coal, while still having that 18:31:06 multi-purpose field there it does look like There's just enough room if those pickable courts are not there. 18:31:12 So if you were able to do that and move those pickable courts to that waste that wasteland in between and day. 18:31:20 I think you would even get more utility out of this plan. 18:31:25 It would be good for us, because then we would have an extra diamond. 18:31:27 And frankly, that diamond the softball diamond threea really is used in the spring when based ball and softball are in full swing and wouldn't necessarily impact the use of the multi-purpose field 18:31:38 for soccer and the fall when the more of their programming So that's my concerns, and that's my my hope in fault. 18:31:48 A possible tweak of alternative to again. thank you for all your work. 18:31:52 I'm very happy that Burke baseball has is a full baseball field again. 18:31:56 But again, with a little tweak, and with a little help from the school, maybe we can get something that's even better. 18:32:00 Thank you. Thank you so much, Rick, for those comments. 18:32:05 I will You know kind of address some of your your concerns. 18:32:12 So you know the the issue with moving the courts out of parkland and onto a school property. 18:32:21 Is that then it's no longer a park amenity and could essentially disappear over time. 18:32:32 We really want these amenities to stay within the park so that that's sort of the challenge. 18:32:38 You know I I think it's It would it's best to kind of separate the amenities, and keep them, you know, as part of the park in terms of 3 a I certainly understand your your concern. 18:32:55 About that and while you know, baseball is spring and multi-purpose is fall there's still sort of an issue with overlapping fields, and just the skin and field area and then not 18:33:15 allowing for Multi-purpose Field that's why, we are recommending that 18:33:22 Roach being fully skinned and be shared, you know, primarily through permitting availability and negotiations as well as 18:33:33 You know, softballs, big as ask is that they have these 2 fields so they can have tournaments. 18:33:40 So. I think we can work something out on the permitting side to make make this plan work, but really it's it's it's a tight site and and with trying to keep as many amenities within the 18:33:54 park. it's certainly a challenge, but we'll certainly continue assessing the plan, and and seeing how we can continue improving. 18:34:03 And, you know, working with you and others. as we continue to move forward, Louise, can I just also add on cats? 18:34:13 I believe you might have had some versus school department partners on our list of. 18:34:20 You know the team working on this project. We have been in close communication with the school department. 18:34:24 There is some interest in removing the ropes course that is no longer used. 18:34:29 I think there's an openness. with the school to you know. Look at other potential uses potentially storage or some semi-permanent structures. 18:34:40 So We'll certainly be open to continuing that conversation with the school department, and you know they've been a great partner working with us on this project. 18:34:51 Thank you, Commissioner. and there, Margaret, all bright, has her hand rates. 18:34:58 So Margaret, feel free to speak. hi! everyone. Thanks so much for letting me speak so just to kind of rebutt rick a little bit. 18:35:09 That area in front of day where the ropes courses is actually a wetland. 18:35:14 And a lot of day is built on a Wetland. so it's not particularly a place where you want to put paved courts. 18:35:23 Because of the water it situation and that brings me to my second point. 18:35:28 I'm really kind of concerned about the drainage here and about the fact that we really haven't addressed some of the issues along Cheesecake Brook. I know it's not completely in the purview of 18:35:38 this commission, and all of you but you know there was a report that was published in the Globe today that see said, we are going to see a 70% increase in flooding in rivers, and trains So I hate 18:35:52 to see us spending all of this time and all this money without actually addressing the problem of flooding. 18:36:00 And the fact that this entire athletic area is built on a filled in wetland. 18:36:06 I think we need to do a little bit more in terms of trying to address those things. 18:36:12 I know that the north side of the field is going to be addressed. 18:36:16 But all along the roadway and in front of the pool is some of the worst flooding that happens, and so that that is a real true concern of mine. 18:36:26 Also I I question what whether we could move fields to make sure that all of the lit fields are in one location. 18:36:38 Instead of having lighting at both ends of the field. 18:36:41 I know this is something that the little League really wants. 18:36:43 But if you could flip Cole and Murphy you know, and have the lip fields all be in one place. 18:36:50 That would be a real plus 2, this neighborhood, since we already deal with extensive lighting on festival. those lights are on to 9 30 every night, and often they have been on all night long. I know that the parks and 18:37:05 Recreation Commission does not control those, but it is a fact of life in this neighborhood, and I think it needs to be considered so. 18:37:12 Thank you very much. Thank you, Margaret, for for your comments, and I would like to note that. 18:37:20 You know we are working with The Charles River Watershed Association through a an Mvp. 18:37:30 Grand, which is a flood modeling and flood mitigation. 18:37:35 Initiative. So we are at the conceptual stage. 18:37:40 Looking at ways in which the part can help with some of the flooding 18:37:46 Obviously, you know, we based on the funding source for this. 18:37:51 For this endeavor. we're really bound to the park itself. 18:37:58 But via that grant and concepts. are also looking at what could be done at the Cheesecake brook as well to mitigate some flooding. 18:38:07 So while it's not reflected in this plan we do have it in our minds. and we've met today. there's also a community meeting for that initiative on June twenty-second so I can forward that to you and 18:38:21 other once I get the invite but I think it would be important for you. 18:38:27 You all to take a look at that as well, because we again we are looking at flooding in this area for sure. 18:38:36 And I I know, Margaret, you had some questions on the chat about the vehicular gates. 18:38:45 And that them being frequently left on logs so that that's something that we're gonna continue working on, and and making sure that you know that that doesn't happen to the greatest of our ability and let's 18:39:02 see moving on to Some of the chat questions 18:39:10 From Councillor Leary there is a big need for multi-purpose. 18:39:14 Why not to full size rectangular fields that cover soccer, football, and lacrosse? 18:39:19 So counselor. we understand the need for more rectangular fields. 18:39:26 Certainly. album moral because of all the competing interests and amenities. 18:39:33 Fitting to full size fields is not possible. here without losing the only lighted full sides. 18:39:41 Baseball field, and we would still have some conflicts. 18:39:46 So our goal is to look at the other sites, particularly Burr that do increase the capacity and rectangular field birth school, I mean, that do increase the capacity and rectangular fields and then Brown will kill 18:40:02 formalizing, regrading. And and again, you know, just really creating that as the as a rectangular field complex as well. 18:40:15 So we did. We did try but there was a lot of more losses than that. 18:40:23 We felt comfortable. by putting 2 full size multi-purpose fields at Lb. 18:40:31 One other item that we've been discussing with the youth soccer program? 18:40:36 Is there a need for some smaller size? field spaces? 18:40:39 So there's 7 V. 7 and 9 B 9 alignments and we do have some feedback on this alternative that they would like to overlay in the outfield section of Burke. 18:40:54 Several smaller dimension fields, which would be very helpful for their younger athletes, who would probably utilize this from maybe around 5, 5, 30 P. 18:41:05 M. and be done, you know, a little bit earlier, so we will be trying to look at an overlay. 18:41:11 That will incorporate some of that feedback in the outfield of Burke, thinking that we can fit a couple of 70 sevens and a 99 layout there, We'll work with Weston and Samson further to provide that information back 18:41:24 to our our soccer program 18:41:30 Thank you, Commissioner. for that. And there, there are a few other comments. 18:41:37 Councilor Kelly. The webinar format versus zoom, for instance, limits the ability for of the attendees to see who is speaking to office input or ask questions. 18:41:50 Could you please consider switching to zoom for more access? 18:41:55 So. Councillor, we are doing our best to you know. 18:42:00 Promote folks who want to speak to you know. give access to the chat. 18:42:06 You know some what we've experienced is what's known as zoom bombing in in in the past. 18:42:15 So the webinar style helps not, you know, disrupt these meetings by by folks who might want to zoom up. So, while we do share that that concern, you know we are doing the best we can to allow everyone to 18:42:32 speak and and have a moment to speak or multiple moments to speak we just don't want to give zoom partners and avenue to to disrupt this meeting at least is it possible if people want to show 18:42:51 their video when they're speaking, are they able to do that there is that. Do you know if that's allowed in the setup we have this evening? 18:43:00 Yes, I will. In moving forward I would just promote people to panelists. 18:43:06 I was just allowing to talk to my apologies for that I don't know if that'll help, but you know it's always nice to see our see our neighbors and if they want to I think you can choose. 18:43:18 On your own if if you want to show your screen or not. 18:43:20 So . happy to see you if you like and there there is a few more questions comments in the chat market at all bright. 18:43:30 There's so much Federal funding right now. it is a good time to make progress on flooding. 18:43:35 Certainly agree with available Federal funding and State funding as well. 18:43:42 Comment from Councillor Oliver. 18:43:45 I joined late. So, my bad. But are these slides available available somewhere? 18:43:50 Yes, Councillor, they will be available on our website. 18:43:55 Shortly after this meeting has adjourned also happy to toggle between the 2. 18:44:04 Alternative concepts. that we're showing this evening so we have alternative one an alternative to and we can move back and forth through those If there's questions just just ask us if you'd like, us to switch 18:44:15 over. Okay. then. I see, Greg: Thank you for responding to that. 18:44:25 Presentation will be available on tomorrow. Appreciate that, Greg. 18:44:33 Another comment from Alice Ingerson can this surface of this service room multi-purpose, path be permeable otherwise over long term I'd be worried about storm damage. 18:44:43 Trees falling as they age along this edge, as we see with many city trees planned right next to roads. 18:44:53 Yeah, We I think we are open to material types for this room. 18:44:59 You know right now the the road is essentially stone dust, and does get plowed. 18:45:05 So there are some challenges with that in terms of maintaining, you know, proper surface. 18:45:11 But we are open to exploring various materials, permeable or otherwise. 18:45:20 Okay, and I see that There's some hands raised I will hey, Rick Djin, if you wouldn't mind, I will promote Counselor Oliver to speak since he had and had a chance to speak and Then we can 18:45:41 go. come back to you, counselor, you should be able to unmute and show your screen or your your face. 18:45:53 If you'd like, Yeah, Sorry you guys are exposed to my pretty face, Let me see if I could get the actual See me. 18:46:01 The actual camera going here as opposed to this one that's look at my schnauz there we go 18:46:07 So this is really interesting in my I I really tried to get her on time that I failed, and I I wanna kind of go back to 18:46:16 Excuse me what Margaret aldrich said a few minutes ago. 18:46:20 I'm just curious it Looks like I mean it's It's kinda hard to see, obviously, but it looks like you're indicating where lights might go. 18:46:31 Could go will go in some of these places. Yes, I can answer that. 18:46:40 We We have preliminary locations for sports lights shown 18:46:45 You'll see the dot and then the spray of light outside. 18:46:47 I would say this does not indicate the full photometric area. 18:46:52 Because that the engineering has yet to be done but these are preliminary locations that have been vetted by i'm a Musco man who's doing sports lighting across the city and Then we'll 18:47:05 take our preferred plan, and we'll give it to them, and they'll do a full photometric for the next time where back for the commission meeting. 18:47:14 Yeah, and that make that totally makes sense. I think this would be the wrong kind of drawing to do. 18:47:19 The photo metric. you know the the science bit of it. 18:47:23 But I am curious is this like I know we're it is either alternative. 18:47:29 One or 2 are they more? Are there more lights and and I know they kinda like what i'm walking into here. 18:47:40 But are there more lights in one and 2 then we're currently active when all the lights at all we're working so the ones that are working today, you know. 18:47:54 Yes, yes, so I can. I can. I can answer that counselor. 18:47:57 So right now Albumarl has 16 light polls. 18:48:02 Mostly focused on coal and and north toward Crab Street. 18:48:08 Right now, looking at the plan. We have 1 2 3 4, 5, sorry, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 1011, 1213, 1415, 1617. 18:48:25 So we're increasing by one poll if the pull locations in the and the 18:48:30 The amount of polls are are accurate in this plan Again we'll bring the scientific and the photometric element of it. 18:48:37 But but we are hoping to stay within the same number of polls, because that does some way 18:48:56 So like in areas where we have Burke and the multi-purpose field meeting, we can accommodate lights on both those fields with with just one poll. 18:49:05 So if there are ways we can economize, we definitely will do that. 18:49:09 And the same with the pickle ball and the basketball courts. 18:49:12 You know we we we might find opportunities to double up some of these polls to light those, and I assume then cause it and i'm just trying to picture in my head now, because I know, Margaret lives a lot closer than I do But 18:49:27 i'm 2 blocks further you know i'm i'm 2 blocks. I guess it's kind of northeast of here. but the lights are in significantly different places, too. 18:49:41 Yeah, is that true? Yes, cause I I don't think like there's I like, I think this is showing 1 2, 3, 5, 5 there, maybe 6 lights. 18:49:53 I'll kind of in that northern craft and apple marl area right and there, aren't nearly as many, if any, actually over that way. 18:50:04 Right There, there's a few of them this concept because of Burke ball diamonds generally need more lights, you know. 18:50:15 And then, when you have the overlay of multi-purpose that also adds polls. 18:50:20 So this this concepts certainly does put more polls on the Craft street end of album. 18:50:26 Moral but the second concept kind of retains a very similar number of polls on that side of of the park. 18:50:39 So in that regard, I think option, 2 will certainly reduce any lighting impacts to this part of of the neighborhood, and I mean option. 18:50:51 One, if I understand it correctly, still has a significant I mean, there must be netting right in that quarter or not. 18:51:02 K. One: Yeah, no granite, you know, and I apologize. 18:51:12 I am looking at this for the first time I don't want to monopolize the time, but it definitely like option or alternative to Seems to, if I remember correctly, one of the primary original goals right was to try and 18:51:28 keep the fields off of each other. This one does not do that anywhere, for the for the rectangular fields really find it does for the Mp. 18:51:39 Field right there at the top of awful craft. 18:51:42 But overlap. Yeah, I believe we're, showing the safety buffer with that line there. 18:51:55 So we do have and the multi-purpose field have their full dimensions without overlap In both of both of these configurations 18:52:17 Alright, and then how how are we queens? 18:52:31 Will you hear? How are we going to address or press more more to my point Right now? 18:52:43 I am looking for the balance between what I see here and what i'm hoping to to also see you know whether it's Burr or browno kill next like we know we have a significant and currently that'll be 18:53:06 unmet need for the large multi you know the full size multi-purpose fields like I continue to say this, and i'm not gonna stop. 18:53:19 So I apologize, but not really. When are we gonna see the balance in the plan. 18:53:25 It's like, how are we supposed to approve this one not knowing what's going on elsewhere, because i've heard significant like. 18:53:33 And, by the way, I guess one other question I have here is an assumption, But is turf not a thing. 18:53:40 Here is this all natural grass now, we're on these proposals. 18:53:45 We're we're aiming for synthetic but it's still something that we have to figure out in terms of funding source, and and how we could make synthetic work here and to address a your you know your 18:54:04 initial comment about seeing the big picture, you know. we are holding a community meeting for the other 3 field projects, and we will be rolling out. 18:54:16 You know the plans for those feature in a couple of weeks. 18:54:25 So we they're not necessarily aligned we have 2 separate consultants working on these, and you know they're they're not fully aligned. 18:54:36 But we are getting their counselor. so you will see those plans as well. 18:54:45 Louise. Could I jump in a little bit here I do want to talk about the timeline here, because Albumara was a project that we move forward with pretty efficiently kind of got Western on 18:54:58 Samson on board here early on. We knew this was going to be a priority project, mainly because we have 50 year old Failing Lights system. 18:55:07 And so the replacement of the light system you know we're getting much better quality light here. we're getting lighting. 18:55:15 That is, positioned in, placed to be directed on each of these fields. 18:55:18 As designed. you know the system we have right Now is is failing, but it's also perimeter lighting. 18:55:26 That is sort of giving us a lighting quality that is spread over the field area, not as directional. 18:55:33 And it, You know. I believe that the the neighbors and you know those around, and those who are using this powerful certainly have better playability with the lights. 18:55:44 But also less less village and just better quality Overall 18:55:47 The other projects that are moving forward as part of our first phase of athletic field. 18:55:54 Redevelopment are also under development at this time the they have been doing our surveys for those sites, so that includes bur elementary Mcgrath and Brown, Oklahoma. 18:56:06 And so those surveys are complete. We have our first set of design layouts, and what you've just mentioned, Councillor Oliver is very important. 18:56:16 We? we just aren't able to solve you know our overall multi-purpose field space need At Alamara alone. 18:56:25 We did try several layouts to try to maximize and get full size, multi-purpose field space here. 18:56:30 But we do need to rely on some of these other field spaces, and so we will be our coming. 18:56:38 Our first community meeting for those fields projects on June the thirteenth. 18:56:43 So they are. they're ready to go we'll start taking a look at what those layouts will provide. And as you mentioned, we absolutely have the goal of of multi-purpose field space built right into all of 18:56:54 those. Yeah, and I think I think it's fair to say I think everybody who is familiar with the full side. You know the size of the full. 18:57:04 You know the full size, multi-purpose field. 18:57:08 Sorry trouble saying that. but it would be there. This is not the ideal, okay, and even close to it, location for those. 18:57:19 So I totally get that, and I also really applaud the effort to keep the overlap right to a minimum. 18:57:31 Unfortunately, it doesn't look like one like personally I can't stand option. 18:57:39 One, I think, covering that entire corner and now, i'll be in craft. 18:57:44 Thank you, with nebding let's not do that I think we learned a lesson, or should have over North with the baseball dining in the corner off a level there. 18:57:56 But not just in terms of cost, either. but I hear what you're saying. 18:58:03 The last thing I wanna say too, is i'm gonna be really curious to see. and I because I will ask for it. 18:58:15 If if you guys don't come up come out with it I really want to see like the component costs i'll, i'll, you know, like the netting, and and and maybe even the I what are they like looks like there 18:58:32 are 6 pickleball courts there, you know, and then the spray pad, and that cause cost has to play some kind of a of a factor in how we make these decisions, too. 18:58:46 I'm just like i'm really curious to see how we're balancing all of the different needs here. 18:58:56 You know, compared to what we heard in the survey, compared to the number of the sheer volume of athletes. 18:59:03 We know we have in these different sports that are out there today. 18:59:10 Whether that's baseball or soccer or lacrosse football, whatever they are, the numbers are gonna tell the story here, and I'm looking forward to kind of digging into that here before we get to a point where 18:59:25 you know decisions are made, and it's not my decision to make until it's. 18:59:30 You know a little far down the road so i'm really gonna kind of encourage us to really put those numbers out there, even if they're kind of you know, scratch numbers right fairly loose. 18:59:44 But indicative. but i'm gonna sit down and shut up i'm sure everybody else who's behind you guys questions is happy to do that. 18:59:51 So. but thanks for indulging me. I do appreciate it. 18:59:56 Very welcome, Councillor, and and I would like to know that you know, in this spirit of efficiency, and and, you know, really working through looking at various options, that album moral we are looking at refining the costs and 19:00:12 crunching numbers. Once we arrive to a preferred plan. 19:00:18 And have some of the ducks in order you know rather than have generate caused that are very loose for multiple options. 19:00:28 I think I think there's a fine balance between park improvements. 19:00:34 To sort the community, and then the only overall cost as well. 19:00:38 So we we certainly have that in mind this is Why, we didn't wanna add, you know, 8 more polls, or you know we wanted to try to stay within the same range, 19:00:57 Just to be clear i'm not even talking about like a cost increase per se. 19:01:02 But there are trade offs within within whatever the bucket of money is we're working with like there's a trade off to add those pickup. 19:01:11 All courts, and what what what else could be like What are the options and the trade offs that we're looking at? 19:01:20 Even within, you know attendance. budget right like what are the bits and pieces that come and go that's all I'm really after But thank you, I do appreciate and understand what you're up against I really Do a 19:01:31 couple of interesting pieces about the design layouts that we're seeing tonight. and you know, I think we've kind of focused in on trying to arrange the fields in a way that they fit. 19:01:46 I think Cassie can probably vouch for the number of layouts I need your team put together. 19:01:53 We did try to fit the 2 full-size multi-purpose fields on the northern section of Alba Marl. 19:01:59 And just really no way to make that happen. you know I think we were all kind of hopeful that that would be a possibility, and it didn't work out with the footprint that we have here the other really important thing that 19:02:12 came forward a lot through the feedback from the community, but also looking at other fields throughout the city, is that the Burke baseball field. Ricked engine spoke about this earlier, this evening, being a full-size 330 foot 19:02:26 outfield. we don't have a lighted full size baseball field like this elsewhere. 19:02:34 In the in the city, and it doesn't fit a lot of other places. 19:02:39 So you know, like forte. It looks like a nice big open space when you start trying to measure out 330, fit for full size foot first full size diamond. 19:02:51 It's really difficult to fit it in in other spaces we have So this really became an important piece of this project as well. 19:03:00 And then the third thing that I would just highlight the pickle ball here is. 19:03:07 This is a new use for the city as Well, so something that we don't currently have dedicated pickleball courts, and we have a large interest in from the community. 19:03:16 We have a pretty large team of pickle ballers who have been playing with us and have organized and are working with our friends of Newton tennis program. 19:03:27 So this is something that is a you know kind of adding something that we don't have elsewhere, which is nice as well 19:03:38 Yeah, for we're running short on full size mp fields as well. 19:03:45 So it's not it's not that i'm not sympathetic to the like. 19:03:51 I still play softball, I still play soccer. I get it. 19:03:56 Bye like I I keep coming back to the show me where the full size Mp. 19:04:03 Fields go right there's Still, a 5 to one or something like that ratio of kids plan playing under multi-purpose field is to baseball field. 19:04:14 It's just show me the balance I get it and just just show me again. 19:04:22 I'm sorry everyone i'll shut up thank you Councillor. 19:04:26 We have a few other a few other notes on the on the chat. 19:04:36 So we'll go through let's see let's go up apologies councillor Maliki. 19:04:48 Thank you for recording when we'll the video be posted we will be posting it as soon as zoom sends it over to us likely tomorrow along with the presentation. 19:05:01 Margaret, all bright. has another comment. 19:05:10 Lighting impacts will increase for those of us who live south of the full, and we already have significant impacts for President. 19:05:19 Thank you, Margaret, for that concern. I would like to note that. 19:05:24 The light systems now at albumaro are are way less efficient than even the ones that are in President, and the ones that we're proposing here are more efficient than the ones that fetched. 19:05:36 It. So I I do share your concern about impacts. 19:05:40 But the lighting systems are are a lot better, and we will have control over these lights. 19:05:48 As as compared to fetching so you can see really at night, that this village around is minimized to the great extent possible, we'll share that our next presentation to get a really clear picture Louise, There was also 19:06:12 a car comment from our regret earlier that was missed it's about the plantings. 19:06:18 Oh, yes, thank you, thank you for that. cassie if you'd like to take a crack at that. 19:06:27 Sure. Yeah. just asking about the plantings and what was what would be envisioned. 19:06:33 In terms of maintenance, current trees, etc. 19:06:36 So we would plant trees really to the the so only buffer planting that we're imagining is really long Craft street where we're close really to that edge and we would consider alternatives to just trees alone. 19:06:53 But otherwise we're looking at just simply tree plantings and one really to minimize the amount of increase maintenance that would be required. 19:07:04 Same maintenance program as as is currently employed here. 19:07:10 For tree plantings, and if I if I may add to elaborate on that as well. 19:07:16 Margaret, our goal as a city and as a department is to diversify the tree canopy. 19:07:24 So we envision the trees to really just have a a various array of of species, you know, obviously taking careful consideration to adjacency. 19:07:37 For example, oak trees next to pathways and courts aren't necessarily the best the best tree, but maybe some native flowering trees, or or or other trees that have less litter along those areas, but really the the goal, is to 19:07:55 diversify the tree plantings. and the tree canopy Here, 19:08:01 Let's see another question. Okay. So we have a comment from cedar pruitt long term. I think the hard chords bike path attention to lack of overlap and multi-purpose fields 19:08:19 assuming flooding mitigation will serve the community. 19:08:23 Well, thank you, sir, for that. Who says this comment from Barry Elliot? 19:08:30 Who says 3 30 feet is a full size baseball time in it. 19:08:34 Yeah, Newton South is the only fence field, and it is 370 in center field. 19:08:42 That is well onto the multi-purpose field. 19:08:45 So. so, Barry, 3 30 is within the threshold of full size. 19:08:51 Baseball outfield. Obviously a longer distance could be the desired but we felt that 3 30 was a good balance for a full size baseball field. 19:09:02 Here to again, you know. Reduce the the overlap here. 19:09:07 These dimensions came from working with our little league program. 19:09:12 And this is not designed for the high school specifications. 19:09:20 Thank you, Commissioner, and see what else Counselor Kelly agree with John Oliver, that until we can consider other field usage, it's premature to evaluate this also know that There are will 19:09:41 soon be a docket item to be updated on natural versus synthetic terms. 19:09:46 So deciding to go ahead with synthetic here, maybe premature. 19:09:49 Thank you, Councillor, for that. and Margaret Albright. 19:09:54 Continues with concerns about lighting as well. 19:10:00 So we we hear you Margaret we're we're looking to light the fields that are currently lighted plus our fee. 19:10:08 So we certainly share that concern and we'll we'll show photo metrics to demonstrates village as well at a future meeting, and with that I don't see any more comments I I would 19:10:27 like to run a poll through zoom to gauge with folks preference. 19:10:37 Preferences are between alternative one and 2. 19:10:43 So bear with me while I launched the poll. I am so simple question. 19:10:51 Just one question and you'll see it come up on your screen, and 1, 2 19:11:02 Not sure if you all are seeing it. but 19:11:13 Please you might wanna make John a participant. so that he counselor all of our participants, so he can vote. 19:11:19 I won't put my come on scale here 19:11:27 I don't wanna remove counts for oliver so I a little stumped here. 19:11:34 Hold on my apologies. I think he already indicated his preference. 19:11:39 Anyway. I think so, too, he kind of did but you You can boot me from panelists. that's fine. 19:11:45 Nobody needs. Okay, I will. Oh, and I see there's some questions. 19:11:56 There's can you clarify which one is one or 2. 19:12:03 So, Megan concept. one is on your screen now. concept to is on your screen now. 19:12:13 So the difference between concept one and 2 is at the multi-purpose field is either adjacent to the pool in courts or up near Crap Street, 19:12:34 And I see Councillor Kelly, everyone gets to participate leave, or are you not seeing the 19:12:48 Are you not seeing the poll 19:12:54 And i'm just gonna move Councillor Kelly to speak if you like, 19:13:04 Thank you, Luis. Now I I was not able to speak before I I thought you were saying. 19:13:09 Only panelists could speak, and alternative, one or 2 is closing it off to other or none of the above. 19:13:15 It seems like a very closed question to me. Okay, thank you for that counselor. 19:13:22 We've gone through multiple iterations upwards of you know. 19:13:30 1012, maybe and have presented, I would say roughly, 8 you know, in a public forum. 19:13:40 So we we feel pretty comfortable and whittling it down to these 2, and and hopefully get some input rather than the none at all. 19:13:51 So why counselor oliver I couldn't I? I I will not vote for either of these right now, and I don't know how many other people you're asking to vote it's as if you want an 19:14:02 approval of one of these 2 when it might be premature. 19:14:07 I I had followed this very well, too, as I turn many of the people around tonight. 19:14:11 I'm not sure these are the only 2 alternatives so I I can't vote for either of them either. 19:14:16 Right now. Okay, Thank you. Thank you for that. for your candor. 19:14:21 There. I I understand we're just trying to gauge what the community, the folks who are present, what their preferences at the end of the day Counselor. 19:14:33 The parts of recognition has the the final vote on which plan 19:14:37 So we will be bringing that to them at the end of this month. 19:14:47 And i'll just add that the discussion. here tonight is one part of you know, a fuller landscape of of reaching out to the community in multiple different ways. 19:14:59 So. we're also going to list our website in the chat before. 19:15:04 I mean on our website, our email address. And so if anybody does not want to speak tonight or put something in chat tonight, you can also email us. 19:15:16 And we can put that into our project notes as well. 19:15:20 So multiple ways to provide feedback. Yes, and and I I also. 19:15:28 Just want to know understanding that not everyone took the Poll or voted out of 7 folks in the audience who did vote 6 voted for alternative to, and one person voted for alternative one. So it's it's more 19:15:49 of a an interesting question to ask while we're here I'm gonna put the email address and it is athletic fields at Newton, M. A. 19:16:01 Gov 19:16:07 I see that there is a question for a question on the chat. 19:16:14 Is this being supported by arpa, or city fund. 19:16:20 So, Councillor Albright. Our Our goal is to use Cpa funds for the field projects. 19:16:29 We requested Cpa funds for the design of of these field projects, and we do intend to request construction funding the Cpc. 19:16:40 As well and I i'm I can't speak to whether our funds would be used here or not. 19:16:48 At this point. 19:16:55 That I don't see any more questions or comments or hands raised. 19:17:09 Said no 19:17:10 Said, No. Just want to point out that even Cpa funds get approved by the Council. 19:17:15 Yes, we we certainly understand that by multiple committees and full council 19:17:31 I don't see any more comments questions hands raised mission or any last words. 19:17:40 No, I just wanna say, thank you to everyone. Thank you to our presenters this evening. 19:17:45 Great comments and feedback. you know this project as we started the meeting out and we've discussed at many of these meetings. 19:17:54 Replacing the the field lights is very important to this site. and so you know, outside of putting the the lights back where they are. 19:18:07 Currently these designs are looking at, providing some layouts that would better meet the needs of our youth sports and our schools. 19:18:14 We have interest from the high school on the multi-purpose field. 19:18:20 Our middle school plays on for baseball field and so we've got the great opportunity here to re lay out the lights.