City of Newton, MA
Home MenuAdopt-A-Space
The Adopt-a-Space program is an innovative way for businesses, community groups, or individuals to volunteer or provide financial support for the refurbishment and landscape maintenance of Newton's greenspaces. The City can recognize your contribution with an appropriate sign in the adopted space. Landscape maintenance businesses are strongly encouraged to apply
The program fosters environmental stewardship and community spirit.
The program recruits volunteers willing and able to make a commitment to provide site improvements and landscape maintenance for the City's smaller public spaces.
Examples of Adopted Spaces in Newton
Areas in need of care include curbed traffic islands in roadway intersections, sidewalk plant beds and seating areas in the village centers, public building and school grounds, and, as well, the smaller neighborhood parks.
- If you or your neighborhood group does a seasonal cleanup, Parks and Recreation will remove the debris.
- If you or your neighborhood group is willing to spread mulch, we will deliver it to the site.
- Application to Adopt a Space
- Volunteer Waiver Form
We also provide advice on low-maintenance plant design and appropriate plant selections for public landscapes. A multi-year commitment to the program is preferred.
Contact Adopt-a-Space Administrator at
For more information contact the Parks and Recreation Department 617-796-1500.