City of Newton, MA
Home MenuLand Management Highlights
This is a summary of land management highlights over the years. There is a limited budget for maintenance, repairs, and improvements. Creative suggestions for improvements are always welcome! Email the Conservation Office at <>.
- Designed and installed new trail signs at all Conservation Areas
- Kesseler Woods: Created trail across Conservation Land and Conservation Restrictions
- Houghton Garden: Removed dead trees and repaired fence
- Norumbega: Resurfaced trails to make them more stable and accessible
- Webster Woods: Eagle Scout built new stairs at Webster Cliffs
- Norumbega: Installed benches and erosion controls along Charles River
- Saw Mill Brook: Established new trail
- Old Deer Park: Conservation Area opened to the public
- Flowed Meadow: Eagle Scout built new boardwalks
- Dolan Pond: Eagle Scout installed pollinator gardens
- Dolan Pond: Resurfaced and regraded trail between boardwalk and Cumberland Rd trailhead
- Norumbega: Continued invasive species control (mowing and cutting vines)
- Oakdale Woods: Implemented restoration plan for encroachment area
- Sawmill Brook: Reinforced existing boardwalk sections
- Old Deer Park: Created trail
- Hahn Brook: Restored encroachment area
- Sawmill Brook: Restored encroachment area
- Webster Woods: Installed stairs at DCR trailhead to improve safety
- Webster: Eagle Scout installed bench and re-routed trail
- Houghton Garden: Completed hydro-raking of pond and stream, extended accessible trail
- Hahn Brook: Dredged brook to improve drainage
- Kennard: Developed and implemented invasive species control method
- Flowed Meadow: Replaced stolen signs and improved trail to picnic area
- Norumbega: Restored eroded slope and create new path
- Oakdale: Restored encroachment area
- Helen Heyn: Installed new bridge over Country Club Brook
- Houghton Garden: Built new, permanent boardwalks
- Norumbega: Continued invasive control (mowing and cutting vines)
- Saw Mill Brook: Removed graffiti from rocky outcroppings
- Webster: Continued invasive control methods (mowing)
- Wilson: New trail created by Newton Conservators
- Charles River Pathway: Installed two benches
- Dolan Pond: Re-established connection from trail to dock, added stone dust to paths, repaired existing stairs
- Houghton Garden: Removed dead hemlocks and other trees and added stone dust to paths
- Kennard: Repaired existing boardwalk and stairs
- Norumbega: Continued invasive control (mowing and cutting vines), repaired steps, added wood chips to the paths
- Webster: Hired goats to control invasive species in the Old Deer Park
- Charles River Pathway: Improved trail
- Houghton Garden: Completed phase II of invasive species control (cutting and swab phragmites) and installed temporary boardwalks
- Norumbega: Continued invasive control (mowing and cutting vines), added wood chips along paths
- Webster Woods: Demolished a dilapidated barn
- Installed new trailhead and Conservation Area signs
- Flowed Meadow: Spread woodchips on paths
- Hunnewell: Created new trail connection to Hunnewell Park
- Houghton Garden: Initiated invasive species control (cutting and swab phragmites)
- Kennard: Removed old damaged fence; installed new bollards
- Norumbega: Continued invasive species control methods
- Saw Mill Brook: Revamped parking lot, installed new sections of boardwalk, undertook invasive species control effort
- Webster Woods: Installed a new section of boardwalk
- Dolan Pond: Repaired stone dust steps and pathways, repaired boardwalk
- Flowed Meadow: Installed new sections of boardwalk and spread woodchips on paths
- Norumbega: Initiated invasive species control methods (mowing and cutting vines)