City of Newton, MA
Home MenuLocal Historic District Review
The goal of establishing local historic districts is to preserve the historic buildings and other significant resources that define and reflect elements of the City's history. Local historic districts preserve buildings and areas with a high level of historical, cultural, or architectural importance. Newton created its first local historic district in 1975 and has since added three more. Review procedures are the same for each district.
Local Historic District Ordinance
The City of Newton’s Historic District Ordinance governs the all the local historic districts including the Newton Upper Falls Local Historic District, Chestnut Hill Local Historic District, Newtonville Local Historic District, and Auburndale Local Historic District. Each district has its own commission and application deadlines, but all subscribe to the same review process. The Ordinance provides that no exterior feature of a building or structure visible from a public way may be built, added to, removed, or changed in exterior feature without a Certificate of Appropriateness issued by the Commission if visible from a public way. If the proposed change is not subject to review by the Commission because it is not visible from a public way or body of water or is excluded from review, a Certificate of Non-Applicability will be issued. Certificates of Hardship will be issued by the Commission for projects not generally affecting the historic district and where failure to approve the application would involve a substantial hardship to the applicant. All applications for certificates must be submitted and approved before exterior changes can be made. Building permits will not be issued without a certificate. Applications are due by 5:00pm 15 days before the next scheduled historic district commission meeting. When contemplating changes, applicants are encouraged to consult the City of Newton Historic Preservation Design Guidelines available on the Reports and Studies webpage.