The mission of the Sustainable Materials Management Division is to maintain and protect the environment through education and outreach programs, the collection and disposal of wastes, conservation of natural resources, and planning for the future environmental needs of the people who live, work, and do business in the City of Newton.
- Collect and dispose of wastes to meet or exceed regulatory requirements,
- Educate about and encourage waste reduction, reuse, and waste diversion habits
- Promote the transition away from solid waste management to sustainable materials management,
- Provide citizens with high quality and cost effective service in a timely, courteous, and reliable manner,
- Serve as a technical resource on environmental issues,
- Make the most of our diverse human resources through teamwork, training, individual development, and personal communication.
Functions & Responsibilities
The major responsibilities of the Division include: refuse collection and disposal, waste diversion, resource recovery, compliance, remediation and regulatory planning to include program coordination, regulatory analysis, legislation and program planning and evaluation.