Three Ballot Questions for Newton's Future



I know that for some in our community, this additional investment will be difficult.  Since becoming Mayor, I have worked together with the City Council, to expand our tax assistance programs.  I am requesting that the State allow us to double our tax relief assistance in our six programs for eligible residents who are disabled, older, or veterans and another to increase access to our seventh one, Newton’s tax deferral program. Read more about these proposed enhancements to our Tax Assistance Programs here.

To review our tax assistance programs, and check your eligibility, please visit our Assessing Department here.



Virtual Town Hall

  • Date: 11/03/2022 7:00 PM  

Join the webinar here:

Webinar ID: 823 0334 4041
Call in #: +1 646 558 8656  

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Meeting Recordings


Overrides and Newton's Budget
What is Proposition 2 ½ and What are Overrides?
Apart from property taxes, what other revenue sources are there for the City of Newton?
Newton’s 2023 Override Proposal
What are we voting for?
In the override proposal, why is the cost of the Franklin School renovation ($3.5M) so much higher than the one for Countryside ($2.3M) which in turn is also so much higher than for Horace Mann?
When is the election?
Why is an override needed?
How much will the override increase my taxes?
Why are School Building projects so important?
What will happen if the override does not pass?
What guarantee is there that funds raised through the override will be used as proposed in the future?
Why is the Horace Mann project in the operating override, rather than a separate debt exclusion like Countryside and Franklin?
I can’t afford to pay more taxes. How can the City help?
Newton’s Budget
What is the City’s budget?
What has the City done to make sure they are stretching every tax dollar as far as possible?
Why are Newton’s expenses growing faster than 2.5% annually?
What is the City's Long-Range Financial Planning Strategy, and how does funding Pensions fit into that?
The City has ARPA, free cash, rainy-day stabilization and tax overlay funds. Why not use these funds to pay for the projects and initiatives?
Why can’t the City just borrow/bond the money it needs?
What will be the impact on City of Newton revenue from the Millionaires Tax?
What revenue does the City receive from Cannabis companies?
History and Context
When was the last override passed in Newton?
What progress has Newton made since the 2013 override?
Why are there so many schools in Newton that need to be renovated or rebuilt?
How often does Newton pass overrides?
How does Newton compare with other communities on overrides?
How do our property taxes compare with other communities?
If Newton’s tax rate is low, why are my taxes higher than property owners in some other communities?


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